Chapter eighteen

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'Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.'


“You stayed at his place?” Daniel shrieked out, making some people turn their heads. I sighed and walked away from her immediately, leaving her and the other girls standing by the exit.

“Did you two do it?” Milk had rushed up in front of me and stopped me by putting her hands on my shoulders. I grabbed her hands looked at the girl and let out another sigh.

“No, I’m not some skank. Now go home.” I said letting her hands go as I walked past the girl. The last emotion she showed said enough to tell she believed me. It was the truth though, we managed to keep it at the exact same spot I wanted it to go to. Nothing, except for some making out. I could hear the girls walk out of the building with some loud talking as I made my way to the end of the hall.

“Ah Jayme, come in.” I looked at the blond guy and immediately regretted coming here in the first place. It has been eating me from this morning when he came up to me, asking if I wanted to come see him after school. I had nodded my head unassumingly, but had regretted it when I saw his cute butt walking away. I walked into the office and sat down in the chair in front of his desk before anything could happen.

“Oh I’m sorry we’re not staying here.” He said grabbing his jacket from his chair and walking towards the door again.

“I can’t leave school, my dad is picking me up here.” He opened the door for me as I stood up from the chair, confused.

“Text him you’re going to the mall with some friends and they’ll bring you home.” I sighed and pulled my phone out of my bag, typing a new text as I walked after Damon towards the exit.

“People can’t see me get into your car.” I said as I saw him walk towards the car, he stopped looked around for a while and then shrugged pulling out his car keys. I walked around the car, finishing up my text. I looked around, before I opened the door.

“This is dangerous.” I said putting my phone away when I was settled down on the passenger’s seat.

“Live a little.” And he started the car. That one sentence reminded me of one person, Guy. Was he trying to be the bad boy, or was the sweet guy I first met all just an act?

“This is dying.” I said and he laughed in response, I couldn’t stop looking around if anybody would see me in the car with him.

“Why dying? I’m not going to kill you.” He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel and looked in front of him. At least there’s one guy I can believe, well let’s hope that anyway.

 “And I should just trust what you say? Why?” He smiled and the dimples in his cheek showed.

“Because I’m the good guy here.” Would he know about Guy?

“I don’t get it.” I tried softly.

“Everybody in school knows Guy claimed you.” He continued to stare ahead. What’s wrong with this town?

“So is that why you’re taking me away? To steal one of the oh so many Guy victims.” That’s when he started laughing out loud.

“That’s what’s wrong with this school.” He said like he had just read my mind.

“What are you talking about?” I changed my position in the seat and angled my entire body towards him.

“Just that there’s a lot more to Guy and there are only a handful of people that know the truth.” It made me wonder and rethink all my bad things I had mentally spoken about Guy. I mean I knew there was something about Guy, I could see it but still I tried to ignore it. Maybe that was my mistake and maybe I should start giving him a chance to show the real Guy.

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