Chapter fifteen

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'Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.'


“What are these?” I said before opening my hand, he only smirked in reply. I sighed and opened my eyes, a denture with fangs.

“And they fit?” I examined the thing in my hand carefully.

“Well they are stretchable, so yeah that’s the idea.” He put his one in his mouth and smiled with his teeth, it looked pretty real if you ask me.

“And they are clean? I mean you didn’t do anything gross with it, did you?” He smirked and raised his eyebrows.

“Well.” He continued to look like a total retard and I rolled my eyes at him, closing my hand again.

“No, I promise I didn’t do anything gross with it. Now put it in your mouth and let’s have a party.” We were sitting in his car in front of the haunted house, I had already opened the door three times but every time he had something he wanted to give me. First it were booze coins, then it were red contacts, which I’m now wearing, and now it is this denture in my hand. I put the thing in and looked at my reflection in the mirror.

“So are we done now?” I placed my hand on the handle ready to open the door again, when he placed his hand on the bar skin just under my skirt.

“Yes we are sexy.” And he pulled his hand back, I looked at him getting out before I opened my own door. He walked up to me and I laced my arm through his, I have to admit it we look perfect together.

“You know what?” I looked up to him, talking was harder than expected but I managed to get it out without any lisps.

“What?” He looked into my eyes.

“I never thought that bad boy Guy would dress up for a simple party.” We weren’t exactly ‘dressed’ cause I was in my tutu and white blouse with a red bow tie combined with my black all-stars and Guy was in a dark-red blazer with black jeans and black tees combined with black sneakers. The only thing that made us look dressed were the teeth and contacts.

“Trust me babe, on this party we are underdressed.” I hadn’t seen anybody yet so I couldn’t say if he was right or not, but the house that was right in front of us was definitely overdressed.

“Are we early?” I couldn’t hear anything coming from inside and there weren’t much cars, even though it was 11pm.

“They bring people from town in busses and the house is very sound proof, don’t worry we’re not early.” He walked up the porch and looked down at me, I looked up to the house one more time before I grabbed Guy’s hand. He smirked and placed his hand on the doorknob.

“Just so you know, tonight you’re mine.” And he opened the door, laughter and music was blowing through my mind as I looked at the dancing, laughing, kissing and sleeping people in front of me. He was right we were underdressed. All the girls were showing way too much, and their faces looked like they were hit by a pie with all different kinds of colors and the guys were exactly the same. I remember stepping into the car feeling slutty because of my red bra was showing through my white blouse but now that I see this I feel like a nun. Guy coughed a little and everything went silent as all the stares were directed towards us. What? how did he do that? I mean I could barely hear his cough while my ears were only a few inches away from his mouth, but everyone else managed to hear it.  

“He came with a girl?” I could hear some girls whisper as Guy led me into the big room, where there had been tons of people dancing only moments ago.

“Are they dating? Is Guy dating her? She’s hot. They look like a married couple. I am way too drunk to understand what is happening here. I thought someone said he was going to be with some juniors tonight. Does anyone understands what’s happening?” I could hear the whispers although a few weren’t whispers as some random dude yelled that he didn’t understand what was going on a few times. But besides the drunken guy telling everyone what he was thinking, some other whispers caught my attention. Especially the one about the juniors, that were probably the girls from the Mickey d’s today. I smiled and walked away from Guy towards the bar, everybody was still staring but the music had already started playing again.

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