Chapter eight

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"Let your past make you better, not bitter."


"You really thought it would work?” I was afraid for giving the wrong answer but continued nodding my head at her.

“James, do you even know what you did?” No, but I still nodded at her. I was confused and the only thing my head let me do was nod at her.

“No you don’t.” She pushed me out the door and laughed, I looked at her making her stop walking.

“Stop asking questions and spill it.” I pushed her hand off of my shoulder and ignored her surprised face.

“He marked you.” I snarled at her for her incredible stupid statement.

“Just show me your car and stop saying stupid things.” It was still Wednesday and at first I felt good because I told Guy to stay away from me but when I told Daniel about it, this is how she reacted.

“I’m not saying stupid things. Everybody knows that when a girl tells Guy to stay away from her, he’ll come and get you. If he does anything to you in public, besides your little kiss action from Monday, you’re doomed.” She pointed at a small red car and I walked over to it, listening to her.

“I’m not doomed, he’s going to stay out of my way or he’ll have to kill me.” I really considered the possibility that I might have encouraged Guy to walk the path to my virginity, but until five minutes ago I was convinced it could work.

“Oh he’ll kill you if he has to.” She sat down in the driver’s seat and I took my place next to her.

“You’re just saying stupid things.” I moaned at her and she laughed enjoying the fact that I had just realized I made a big mistake.

“Don’t you watch movies? Play hard to get and they will follow your ass.” She was totally destroying my self-esteem I had created after telling Guy the truth, life is just not working out for me lately.

“So are you saying I need to throw myself at him to get him out of my life? Take a right here.” Hah yes you heard that right, I showed someone the way to my home. Aren’t I great? I had studied the city map during most of my classes, it took me the whole day but school wasn’t helping me either.

“I’m telling you, either move away, kill yourself or kill him.” She said slowing the car down as we drove down my street, I pointed towards my home.

“I’ll go with the second one then.” I said and she pulled up by my house, I unbuckled my seat belt and hopped out of the car.

“Why haven’t you done it already?” She threw my bag at my head and followed me in the house, if only she knew. I thought about killing myself a lot but that would not solve a thing, so after a while I gave up.

“You have no right to say that, you are supposed to be all nice and kissing my ass cause I’m a new friend.” She smacked my arm and laughed very hard. I hadn’t told her about me having two dads just yet, I thought she would just see eventually and let her react as she wanted but in front of their eyes. Maybe that sounds a little hard, but I want her to see how they react if she reacts bad. Just to show her how much it’ll hurt them. It’s Wednesday so Hugh is supposed to be home, as he warned me this morning.

“James are you okay?” Minnie came running into the hall with her princess dress on. She was followed by a little girl into the hall, the other little girl was dressed in a teddy bear costume and was shrieking with fun.

“Yes I am, why are you wearing your Halloween costume?” I picked the little girl up but she tried to squirm out of my arms, I put her back down on the ground and saw her ran over to Daniel.

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