Chapter eleven

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'The past cannot be changed, forgotten, edited or erased. It can only be accepted'

Time to give you some secrets about Jamey's past.


I knocked on the door for the third time this afternoon, normally I’m not that impatient but now it was really eating me inside. I looked at my phone to see that It was still 4.15am. I had been standing in front of this door for a few minutes now, waiting for it to be 4.15, before I dared to knock. So when the 4 on my phone jumped to 5 I raised my hand and knocked and knocked. Nothing happened though, so I dared a third knock. Now look at me still standing here, looking at my phone and back up to the door in front of me. It’s supposed to go down now. Hah, it’s supposed to go down. Actually not really, even though Damon may have been convinced about me opening up to him, it was never ever going to happen.

I had run into Guy a few times, he just acted like the jerk I met almost a week ago. Not the guy I was with yesterday, the bad boy every girl wants, the one with a sweet heart. Still I’m not convinced he has one, a sweet heart I mean, he has a broken heart. One that is damaged and hurt so much it has built a wall that is unbreakable. And even if I try as hard as I can, I don’t think I’ll be strong enough to break that wall. I could risk my own heart shattering to pieces, and trust me it could break easily.

Today Guy would grab my ass, kiss me in the middle of the hall out of nowhere and during lunch he was almost raping me. Well it wasn’t a real rape, but his hands trailed off to private areas a few times when I stood in line for some food. I was surprised that by now I still hadn’t had any lawsuits set up against me and Guy for acting inappropriate in public. I’m surprised that by now I still hadn’t had a lawsuit set up against Guy for assault, but yes I would be lying if I said I didn’t like the attention.

“I think someone is eager to chat with me.” His low voice with the sexy edge, made me forget about Guy completely. I smiled at the ground before looking at him, his blonde hair was messy and his clothes matched his hair. I looked at him confused, he sort of looked like he just got laid. He followed my eyes and looked down at his appearance, he laughed and grabbed the keys out of his pocket.

“I just got out of bed, I’m sorry. I usually don’t work on Fridays.” He said and he opened the door that led to his office.

“Heavy partying.” I followed him inside the office and he started laughing harder.

“Officially I’m still a student, so don’t judge me.” I sat down across him and in the light coming from the side window’s I saw the dark circles under his eyes. I felt sorry for making him come here.

“We don’t have to do this on a Friday, I can just come here on other days.” He smiled sweetly at me and grabbed a map out of a drawer.

“I like it better on Friday’s, even if I’m having a hangover.” He whispered the last part as he leaned in over the desk, I leaned in too and smiled at him.

“Should we start whispering so we won’t make the mess inside there worse?” He laughed and as he did he grabbed his head letting out a few ‘ouches’ between laughter. I looked at the mess, who was supposed to be my school counselor and get me through this year, and laughed at the sad appearance. Well sad, sad, sad, it was not entirely sad, because the man still managed to be sexy with his brown eyes and dimples when he laughs. Maybe Guy was right and did I really have the Damon flu.

“You know when I look at you and when I talk to you I would have never guessed your past to be so, so devastating.” I stopped laughing and looked down at my nails, I started picking them as my head flushed red. I continued to look down as I heard Damon cough awkwardly.

The blonde & The badOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora