Chapter twenty-four

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This chapter is about love, because i love you guys and every single thing i write in the end is true. So after you finish this chapter, take a moment to realize how blessed you are with all the people you love and all the people who love you. Because besides what you might believe, there is someone out there who loves you. Be blessed with that and don't throw it away. 

Enjoy this chapter guys!

Chapter twenty-four

“I think I’m staying home sick tomorrow.” I played with the salad laying on my plate, supporting my head with my hand. The whole boob thing had been eating me from the second I did it, it was horrible it was disgusting and it felt so good. It felt like I could forget everything, nothing could get me now because I was a brainless blonde.

“I don’t think so.” I looked up, dropping my fork on the table. I frowned at Marc.

“Why?” I studied Marc while he ate his salad, he didn’t look up once which made it harder for me to see what was going on his head.

“Because you’re not sick.” I slapped my hands on the table to get his attention, unfortunately his attention remained on his salad. Or I had done something seriously wrong or he was on his period.

“Don’t make me suffer just because you’re PMSing.” He snarled and finally looked up, when he saw me staring he shook his head, pushed his chair back and stood up.

“You just can’t be home.” And he walked away, I threw my hands up in surrender looked at Hugh who was cutting Min’s meat.

“Don’t look at me.” He shrugged, I let out a sigh of desperation.

“Don’t walk away from me young man.” I followed Marc out of the room, into the living room. He was standing in front of the window, staring at the sunset, which fell over the church.

“I need an explanation or you can expect me to stay home, just to watch what’s going on.” He laughed and turned around to sit on the window frame.

“What then. School will call and I won’t tell them you’re sick, so they think you skipped school. What then? How do you want to get away with that?” He crossed his arms in front of his chest, satisfied with his smart remark.

“I have connections, my dear father.” The small smirk, that had crept on his face only moments ago, disappeared. I was right and he knew it, I had Damon who could think of an excuse or Guy who could make it all just disappear. The thought of Guy made my meal creep up, it was really making me go sick.

“All I’m asking is for you to go to school, please?” Like the gods want me to face Guy right away, why don’t you just teleport him to my room right away? Wouldn’t that be way easier?

“I do not like this complot against me, but because I love you, the love is decreasing by the way, I’ll go to school.” He gave me a hug and a kiss on top of my head.

“But watch it father, you’re on the edge here.” He pushed me out of the hug smiled at me and walked back to the dining room.

“You’re horrible.” He laughed and I could hear the squeaking of his chair scraping over the tiles of the kitchen floor.

“I’m going upstairs.” I popped my head in the dining room and gave them a smile.

“But your salad.” Hugh said pointing at my plate with his knife.

“Don’t push it.” I said when I walked away. “Don’t push it.” I threw my hand in the air and waved at them. While running up the stairs towards my room I thought about Guy, and suddenly I stopped with my hand already on the doorknob. What if he was in my room again? I could not face him now.

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