Dreaded Dare - 7

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Skye's P.O.V

"Before I do this whole prank I need to know something, Ollie is a heavy sleeper, right?" I asked precariously not wanting him to wake up in the middle of the prank.

"Luckily for you and me he is indeed" Hunter told me causing me to grin mischievously like a six year old hiding their sibling's things.

The first thing I did was grab a massive handful of the flour and very carefully sprinkled it on Ollie's face and neck. After that I got some marker and drew some very rude or should I say explicit drawings on his face in permanent black ink but Hunter did most the doodles and the rudest doodles, jeez he is so dirty minded.

I then got his hand which was dangling off the edge of the sofa and squirted squirt-y cream on it and poured the rest on his face and on his area. Finally I started tickling his nose with a feather causing him to fidget around a bit.

Once I had done that obviously Ollie looked itchy as he raised the hand with the cream on and spread it all over his face causing me and Hunter to take a load of pictures trying not to laugh as we did so. I then grabbed a glass of water which was next to him and threw it on his grey shorts so it looked like he wet himself, but because of the coldness and speed the water hit him Ollie started flickering his eyes as if he was awake.

"Run to the kitchen quickly" Hunter whispered and I nodded rushing to the kitchen and pretending to work on the curry.

"Ollie might think it was another member of the team pranking him if we pretend we didn't have any clue what had happened" Hunter whispered now aware Ollie was waking up gradually and may be able to hear us

I nodded helping Hunter serve up the curry with a side of noodles before placing it on the table and sitting down to eat waiting for Ollie's reaction, and of course the reaction came a second later.

"HUNTER ADAMS, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" Ollie screamed getting off the sofa but Hunter kept a straight face, obviously putting his drama skills to use.

"It wasn't me Ollie, it was Caleb, Toby and Kyle who are Skye's friends, I tried to stop them but they insisted they got you back because of last year at camp!" Hunter told Ollie pretending to look all innocent and guilty but I could see through his cute little act.

"Since they're your friends Skye and your honest I have a question: is this true? Or was it just you and Hunter trying to prank me?" Ollie asked but I went along with Hunter pretending we had told the truth.

"Yeah it was them, they did it about ten minutes ago, how about we get them back after we've eaten?" I asked liking the idea since I could get them back for making me do this whole dare thing.

"Yep, because we're going to get them back three times worse" Ollie told us nipping into the bathroom probably to clean up, and a couple of minutes later he came back into the kitchen a minute later in clean clothes and his hair was this time washed and was cream free.

"Hunter you're a great cook, you should be a chef because this is the nicest curry I've ever tasted" I told Hunter causing him to smile thankfully, I then dug into my meal eating up all the curry with the noodles.

"I have an idea for the prank guys; sorry to interrupt but Skye you're going to need to be involved. So Skye you're going to distract the guys and invite them over here because your lonely or home sick, then me and Hunter are going to head to their cabin and trash it" Ollie told me with wide adrenaline filled eyes.

"Fine but you better video it because I want to see the whole prank. Also you better go now so I can invite them round "I told Ollie and Hunter who got out their seats rushing round the cabin like five year olds looking for items to trash the house with.

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