Dreaded Dare - 13

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Skye's P.O.V

"If the guys are coming don't be weird with them and you two better not have a plan to set up me and Hunter, because if you do I will get you back somehow!" I told Zoe and Jade glaring at them before driving all three of us back to the house and heading into the TV to get the place set up for the guests.

'Be there in five with Ollie - Hunter x'

"They'll be here soon, anyway what movie shall we put on when they arrive?" I asked Jade and Zoe as I flicked through piles of DVD's.

"Well since we will be playing games and talking how about we put the inbetweeners on in the background?" Zoe asked and I nodded, I loved the inbetweeners, I had watched both the DVD's and had the series at home, I was obsessed.

"Okay!" Jade told me giving me a knowing look as she knew how much I loved it.

Whilst Jade and Zoe set up I nipped to the kitchen and got a massive jug of homemade non-fizzy lemonade along with cups and a couple of packets of sweets, popcorn and crisps before walking into the TV room seeing that Hunter and Ollie were already here.

Zoe and Ollie were speaking and Jade was whispering something to Hunter causing him to blush but when they saw me enter the room they stopped whispering acted normal.

"What were you whispering about?" I asked curiously to both Hunter and Jade.

"Nothing, we were just talking about err...how cute Ollie and Zoe would be!" Hunter announced nervously causing Ollie to glare and stiffen up and Zoe just went bright red.

"I know you're lying to me Romeo, you better tell me what you were whispering out or I will castrate you!" I whispered to Hunter jokingly.

"You aren't going to find out honey trust me, and anyway you wouldn't dare castrate me!" Hunter whispered back causing my heart to spiral when he said honey but I stopped when everyone turned to look at me. Once jade and Zoe were properly introduced and got to know Ollie and Hunter a bit more we all thought of games we could play.

"How about a classic game of truth or dare?" Jade asked getting nods along the room, then I remembered the last time I played this when I got dared to join the football team, that felt like just yesterday even though it was a couple of months back.

"Right I'm going to ask first!" Jade announced giggling excitedly.

"Skye: truth or dare!" Jade asked with a challenging look in her eyes.

"Dare!" I told her since I was a daredevil after all; no dare was too much for me.

"I dare you to kiss Hunter on the lips for one juicy minute!" Jade told me smirking causing me to glare and go bright red.

I nervously walked towards Hunter with caution in each step. Once I was in front of him I leaned in and Hunter cupped my face gently before pressing his warm soft lips against mine, the kiss was awkward at first till I loosened up and just kissed him like you would any other guys, except this was different, this felt special.

We kissed for a while longer and each kiss took my breath away. After a full on minute me and Hunter pulled away from each other as I regained my breath and sat down trying not to blush. I could still feel my lips tingling from when Hunter kissed me and my stomach felt weird and was stirring around inside.

"Hunter: truth or dare!" Ollie asked Hunter who was extremely red.

"Truth" Hunter told Ollie as he regained his normal skin tone.

"How many girlfriends throughout your whole life have you had?" Ollie asked Hunter looking curious; I'm surprised he didn't know since they are best friends.

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