Dreaded Dare - 9

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Hunter's P.O.V

Skye just doesn't understand! I went after her to see if she was okay after the raving incident but Ollie waved me off. I don't know what I've done to Skye but I do know I've upset her in some way and I just need to find out what I have done, I can't stand her being mad at me, it kills me to see her like this.

"Good night Skye" I whispered gently to her before walking out the cabin and down the muddy path till I reached Kyle, Toby and Caleb's cabin and a couple of minutes after knocking Toby answered the door yawning.

"What's up?" Toby asked then doing our secret handshake, lame I know.

"I need your help and advice, it's about Skye" I told Toby and he stepped to the side of the door and gestured for me to come in.

"Make yourself at home" Toby announced so I walked in taking a seat on the single sofa opposite him, but luckily Kyle and Caleb weren't her to witness my heart to heart with Toby.

"What have you done Hunter?" Toby asked and I explained everything from how me and Skye met, football training her in my garden, our dinner together, cute texting sessions, the trip to camp, the food incident, the raving incident and the fact she is now angry at me and the fact that I, Hunter Adams am in love with Skye Street.

"She obviously likes you Hunter, but Skye won't admit she does because she's too in denial for her own good. I could tell she liked you since she got to know you for you, but she is quite insecure, she needs reassurance because of issues with her dad"

"But I know she has already opened up to you about her sister. She gets hurt easily, she's like glass: fragile and can break at any minute. But I know she likes you and she didn't mean to get mad at you, she's probably jealous of you hanging out with that girl in the lounge; she might take it in the wrong way." Toby continued.

"Girls do give out mixed signals though, especially Skye, she will say one thing and mean the complete opposite but she doesn't hate you. Just tell her how much she means to you" Toby told me and I nodded trying to take it all in.

"But I'm not ready to ask her out yet, I just want her forgiveness, I need to show her I care about her" I told Toby and he nodded taking a second to think.

"You could tell her how much she means to you in a friendly sense, how those girls meant nothing and give her a hug, let her open up to you as depressing as it may sound" Toby told me and I nodded.

"Thanks Toby man, I'll do it in the morning but all that ravings made me tired, have a nice night" I told Toby patting his back before heading back to the cabin hearing a twig snap behind me, but I decided not to question it, probably just a wild rabbit or something.

Once I got back to the cabin I laid down in bed trying to sleep but I couldn't, I felt so tired but sleep just wouldn't come. When I finally got to sleep at a ridiculous time I woke up at half past six, my eyes feeling blood shot and sore and I felt ill, but I still got out of bed and got changed so I could go make some waffles for Skye.

Once the waffles were all done and looked golden brown I heard footsteps heading towards the kitchen and looked up to see Ollie followed by Skye and both of them looked surprisingly happy, especially Skye.

"Morning bro, you look tired, guessing you didn't have a good night's sleep?" Ollie asked as I took a sip of my coffee which boosted my energy slightly.

"Not really, nothing was on my mind but I just couldn't seem to sleep, how did you guys sleep?" I asked them both but the question was aimed mostly at Skye.

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