Dreaded Dare - 19

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Skye's P.O.V

"You're adorable" I thought to myself but a second later realizing I had said it aloud judging by the blush on Hunter's face and the smirk that followed.

"I'm adorable now, am I?" he asked me smirking causing me to whack him in the stomach gently before turning up the music and dancing stupidly to 'Sugar' by Robin Schulz; it was officially my new favourite song.

"You really can't dance to save your life can you?" Hunter asked rolling his eyes as I continued to rock out to my jam.

"At least I can dance better than you" I told him smirking and he gave me a 'really, you're going to regret thinking that' look.

"I'll prove I'm better than you at dancing tonight then short cake and then you won't be laughing" Hunter told me feistily causing me to giggle.

The school day went way faster than I thought was possible, it almost went too fast. Even maths and sociology went fast and that says something although I was too busy in my own world in each class day dreaming. Even football flew by fast because before I knew it practice was over and I was going to Hunter's car. After school Hunter dropped me off outside my apartment and I kissed his cheek as a goodbye gesture before rushing into my apartment

"Someone's in a rush" Zach told me smirking and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm going away till Sunday so I expect you to keep the place clean and don't have a massive party because I don't want other flats complaining about me to my landlord" I told Zach glaring before rushing into my room and packing two nice outfits, jeans, tops, skirts, pants, socks and necessities before rushing in the shower.

After showering I put on my flawless red outfit and I admit I felt amazing in this outfit. This dress made me look slimmer and I had the right bumps in the right places, I felt like a princess.

I twirled around and watched the fabric dance then realizing I had another half an hour to get ready. I then applied some musky and golden makeup along with some red lipstick. I then curled my hair gently before popping my suitcase at the door then nipping into my cousin's bedroom, but both the boys had headphones on so they couldn't hear me.

"HARVEY AND ZACH, LISTEN UP" I screamed till they both looked up, Harvey gave me a thumbs up whereas Zach had his mouth wide open I bet it could have touched the ground.

"You look very...attractive" Zach told me flirtatiously causing me to flush a light pink colour.

"Okay both of you no partying or being too loud as I don't want to lose this place, I'm going away for the weekend with Hunter and his mother" I warned them both.

"Hunter and you are so going to get it on this weekend" Harvey implied causing me to go beet red.

"He's just a...close friend, anyway give me a hug before I go then Harvey" I ordered him before he hugged me. I then said my good bye to Zach before going downstairs with my things and meeting Hunter at his car, and since his mother isn't there I guess we are driving separately.

"Skye, you look absolutely...stunning, gorgeous even" Hunter told me getting out the car but he looked equally as handsome.

He had a white shirt on and a smart black tie along with a grey kind of wait coat making him looking sophisticated and hot at the same time. He also had smart trousers on that went with the waist coat and some black polished shoes then to finish it off his hair was spiked upwards in a messy yet smart fashion and his eyes were like puddles of chocolate melting into different colours.

"You look...breathtakingly handsome" I told him as I looked him up and down for quite a long time getting butterflies in my stomach every time our eyes met. After checking each other out Hunter took my suitcase causing his hand to skim mine making me shiver. Once the bags were in the car Hunter helped me into the car then closed the door before jumping in the other side.

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