Chapter 6

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When you click the photo above there's an outfit and that's how I imagine Nicole to dress for the party!


When I get home with Maddy we immediately start to get ready for this party!
When I'm done getting ready Maddy says, "Damn you look hot! Show off those curves girl!" She says smiling at me widely.
"Thanks Maddy. That's a very nice thing to say. You look beautiful too" I say as I tap her shoulder.

We go downstairs and my I tell my parents "The party starts at 9pm so we'll be back around 12pm." Luckily, they agree because I don't go out much and they're always telling me to enjoy life while I'm young.
"Okay be careful if u need anything call me no matter the time" my dad says. But obviously they're still overprotective.
"I'll be fine Nick is gonna be there" I say reassuring him with a smile.
"Okay have a good time" says dad while sending a wink my way.

Me and Maddy head out and decide we'll go in her car. When we arrive to the party you can hear how loud the music is just by being a few houses down. How hasn't the neighbors complained? I would've. I would've been like 'I can't study because I cant focus! Turn it down, losers!' Its funny cause I'm the loser.....

When we go in we see a lot teenagers drinking , smoking , dancing and eating each others faces like there's no tomorrow. The music is so loud I can feel the beat in my feet.

When I turn to look for Maddy she is already grabbing beer and dancing and the worst part, she left me alone. I can tell I'm gonna have to end up taking care of her when she's drunk.

I spot Nicolas getting a drink and remember I didn't congratulate him and decide to do it now, this way maybe I won't look so lonely.

"Hey!" I say with a smile on my face.
He offers me a red cup with beer in it.
"I don't drink" I say pushing his hand away.
He shrugs.
"I wanted to come and congratulate you for winning the game." I say enthusiastically with a smile on my face.
He looks at me and smiles." Thanks" he says looking away.
"Well I hope you have a good time" I say when I wave at him and leave. Ugh, now I really have to alone.

Nicholas POV

I see Nicole walking up to me with a smile on her face.  Wow she looks stunning dressed like that.
"Hey!" She says with a pretty smile on her face.
I decide to just offer her beer but she says she doesn't drink. Somehow that was a turn on for me. I don't like girls that drink or smoke.
"I wanted to come and congratulate you for winning the game" she says with a wide smile that it even makes her eyes look Chinese. A smile forms in my face from seeing her gorgeous smile. If I look at her I might blush so I look away and say thanks.
"Well I hope you have a good time" she says as she waves and leaves. Thing is I don't want her to leave and me having a good time disappeared the moment she started walking away.

Nicole POV

As I'm walking to sit down on a couch, a girl that's crying is running and bumps into me and stands in front of me crying. Without a second thought I grab her gently and take her to the bathroom.

When we arrive there, I shut the door and lock it then we sit down on the floor leaning against the wall.
"What's wrong? Are you okay? " I ask in a soft voice as I'm rubbing her shoulder. She doesn't answer me and keeps crying.
"it's okay. Everything's gonna be just fine , I promise." I tell her reassuring her and wipe away her tears.

"I saw my best friend and my boyfriend making out" she finally says and now she's crying harder on my shoulder.
"It's okay let it out" I tell her patting her head,
"I can't believe they would do this to me" she says.
"The best thing you can do is move on. I don't know you but I'm sure you're an amazing girl and you deserve better than him and her." I tell her and she looks up from my shoulder and put her hair behind her ear.
"What's your name?" She asks me, looking me while wiping her tears.
"Nicole Jefferson" A look of realization hits her face and says....
"The schools sweetheart. I guess it's true what they say." She says looking down at her lap. I give her a confused look waiting for her to explain.
"People talk amazingly about how nice you are and gorgeous and how every boy wants to date you and I finally meet you and I now know what they say is true" she says smiling. Before I get to answer her she says" Thank you for listening and for that great advice"
"No problem and thank you for letting me help you" I say as I stand up and help her stand up. We get out the bathroom and I ask her if she wants me to take her home but she says her brother is gonna come pick her up.

I decide to not let her be alone and wait with her outside the house and we wait for her brother to pick her up. After he comes and she leaves I go back inside and check how Maddy is doing and see that she's having a great time and smile.

I go to where all the drinks are and I'm about to get water when a girl that's standing there also getting water and tells me " Want some water?"
"Yes please" I say nodding.
She gives me the water and I say thanks and I go to sit on one of the couches and I start drinking the water and it tastes different than regular water but I was so thirsty I didn't care so I drank it all in one chug.

I throw the cup in the recycling trash and all of the sudden I start to feel dizzy and my vision gets blurry and I feel like I'm about to fall. Next thing I know someone is.....

- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -

Hey! What's up you guys?!

Yess....cliffhanger! Mwahaha! Please forgive me!


Who can guess what is going to happen to Nicole?

What was in her drink?

Any predictions on who caught her?

Please comment and let me know your opinion, expectations! I love reading your comments soo much.

Also, don't forget to.....

VOTE VOTE VOTEEE! Dont be a silent reader!

I love you all so much!



Magnetic Romance (EDITING)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora