Chapter 21

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The car above is Nicole new car.
When we go inside and I see Jacob waiting inside sitting down on the couch. As soon as Nicolas sees him he quickly grabs me by my wrist and gets me behind him and he says "Get the hell out"
"I just want to talk to Nicole" Jacob says.
"Your not getting anywhere near her. So I suggest-" Nicolas says but I cut him off and say " I'll talk to you" Nicolas looks at me surprised and says " What?"
"I'll talk to him. Alone please. I'll be fine I promise"
"Okay if something happens scream. I'll be upstairs. " he says kissing my forehead and he goes upstairs.

"What Jacob?" I say.
"I'm sorry" he says looking down.
"That's all?"
"No. I- I really do like you and I just want to say that it didn't mean anything that kiss with that girl. It was just a bet. She doesn't mean anything to me. You do" he says getting closer and he grabs my hands but I move away and slip away my hands.
"Nicole , I really am sorry. I'm sorry." He says. He's getting me so mad. He's not sorry for doing it , he's sorry of getting caught. He's getting on my nerves right now.
"No , no , no I'm sorry.....for dating your sorry ass" I snap and as soon as I said that I hear Nicolas coming down shouting "ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! She told your sorry ass!" He says shouting coming down the stairs laughing. Jacob is speechless and Nicolas forces him out the door.

When Jacob leaves Nicolas grabs me by the waist and gets close to my face and says "Your so sexy when you reject niggas like that" and he kisses me and I kiss him back and I wrap my hands around his neck and he wraps his arms around my waist even tighter. I love when he hugs me like this. It feels so warm and nice.

We go upstairs and I wait for my parents to come home from work early so we can go buy my new car. About 30 minutes later they come and I tell them I want to take Nicolas with me. So he comes with us and we go to buy a me a car. The doctor says my leg is getting better so I can get my cast off in less than a month.

When we arrive there I see a lot of beautiful expensive cars. I tell mom and dad if me and Nicolas can look around my ourselves and they say sure so we walk around and Nicolas says..."How about this one?" he says pointing to a yellow convertible. "No. That's more your style" I say smiling. "Fine"he says with playful a sad face. So I just get on my tiptoes as we walk and kiss him on his cheek and he stops walking and turns around to face me and puts a surprised expression on his face. I also stop walking and I face him and just smile and laugh and start walking.

Nicolas POV

She's looks so cute when she kisses me on the cheek. She looks like a little girl when she gets on her tiptoes. She's so cute!

Nicole POV

Yay! I got my car! (Picture above) I can't wait to get this cast off my leg!

We get home and Nicolas goes home and I start doing homework and than when it's dark I go to sleep.

One month later on a Sunday....

Me and Nicolas are still going out and we're at the hospital getting my cast off. Finally! When they take it out the doctors tell me I should still use my crutches because it may be hard to walk since I've had my cast for so long.

We arrive home with Nicolas. In the past few days it's been awesome. Me and Nicolas haven't made anything official but I really hope we do. I'm really surprised because we haven't fought in the last month and most people would've fought about some little thing but me and Nicolas have been in a really good place right now.

Me and Nicolas start doing our homework. I'm really proud of him because his grades have improved and he's not getting in as much trouble. He's really becoming into a great man.

After we do our homework it's around 4:30 pm and we just decide to watch TV and we're laying in my bed and we cuddle as we watch a movie. After the movie is done I decide to shower. As I'm showering something unexpected happens........ I got my period. Oh no..... I don't have pads. What do I do? My parents aren't home and neither is Nick. No no no this a disaster. Should I use paper? No that's bad for your health. Out of nowhere I cry because this is a disaster. I come out the bathroom with my sweatpants and sweater and hope it doesn't go through as I go to my mom's room to see if she has something. I tell Nicolas I'll be back and he says okay as he searches for another movie. I go to my mom's room and go to her bathroom and.....nope she has none. Great. I go back to my room and I'm crying and Nicolas quickly stands up and asks what's wrong.

"My mom doesn't even have one" I say crying in his arms.
"One what?"
"I went in there to look for girl related stuff and there's not even one and I have cramps" I say crying even more.
I look up at Nicolas and his eyes are widen and he's blushing and he says "ohhh that"
"Don't worry I'll go buy you some" he says rushing out the door and I go back to my room's bathroom and shower.

Nicolas POV

I get to the store and I go to the woman section and I see a lot of pieces of papers , and some sticks and there's lots of brands. I've never done this. What does she use? This stick thingy or the paper thingy? You know what? I'll take everything. I also buy all types of chocolate and some ice cream.

Nicole POV

Nicolas comes back after about 5 minutes. Wow he really went fast huh? I'm still showering and he knocks on the door and says...

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