Chapter Six.

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Picture provided is of Wolf

Demon rode back to the club with Zeke, Ty and Wolf. The first thing they noticed when they pulled into the parking lot was the fancy BMW parked near the front door. Becky was standing beside it arguing with a man in a suit, obviously distressed.

They parked near the BMW, Zeke and Ty the first two to her side.

"Zeke!" She called out to him.

"Hey, Becky, what's going on?" Ty asked.

"That asshole, is pressing charges."

"What?" Zeke asked.

"Which one of you gentleman is a Mr. Ezekiel Green?" The man asked.

"I am," Zeke said.

The man offered him a paper and Zeke roughly pulled it from his hands, his eyes scanned it a few times before he looked back at the man.

"Is this a joke?"

"I'm afraid not sir, a few days ago my client reports he was physically assaulted at his place of work."

"That's bullshit!" Becky yelled.

"Becky, calm down." Zeke warned.

"No! They can't pull this shit."

"What's going on?" Wolf asked.

"Nothing, everyone just go inside." Zeke said.

"You sure?" Ty asked.

"Yes, everyone." He looked at Becky directly.

"I'm not going anywhere," Becky insisted.

He scowled at her but she wasn't intimidated, the other men heard the threat in his voice and wisely all went inside. Becky stood her ground, standing next to Zeke and yelling at the man who tried to explain the situation.

Demon, Ty and Wolf walked into the club and Iris ran to meet Wolf. He smiled and opened his arms as she reached him lifting her up for a hug. She rested her tiny head on his shoulder with a contented smile.

Morgan crossed the bar and he placed a chaste kiss on her lips. It was good to see him happy and settled down. For being a tough biker even Demon had to admit the family aspect suited Wolf well. He and Morgan click and his relationship with Iris couldn't be any better. The two broken hearts somehow had made a family.

"What's with all the yelling?" Morgan asked.

"Something with Zeke and Becky," Wolf replied.

Ty wandered to the bar and Wolf pulled out a chair at a table. He sat down resting Iris on his lap, Morgan taking up the seat beside him and Demon settling across from them.

"Have you found Lacy?" Morgan asked Demon.

"No, I haven't seen her in awhile. I'll find her, it just takes time."

"Time we are running out of, King sent a man to kill you." Wolf said.

"Are you alright?" Morgan asked.

"I'm fine, I took care of it. This war between the MCs is bound to put targets on all our backs."

"We can't back down, not now." Wolf said.

"I know, I'll find her and I'll find out what I can."

"If she willingly gives up Kings location, then she can go free." Wolf announced.

"Seriously?" Demon asked.

"Yes, she can never return to this club. I never want to see her in this town again and if I have to kill her I will, one way or the other. But I'm not above making a trade, Kings life for hers."

Damaged Lace. *The Animals MC book two.*Where stories live. Discover now