Chapter Seven.

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PHOTO IS OF ZEKE if it works.

He was frustrated, he'd never been more torn or confused. He was currently following Lacy down a back street, it was dark enough that he was able to stay behind her without her noticing. She was on her bike and he was in his car, the headlights switched off.

Lacy turned down a back street and he followed, making sure to stay a few car lengths away.

"Where are you going?" He asked softly.

She parked along the street, in front of what looked like an abandoned building. She knocked a few times then walked to the corner, glancing in both directions but not seeing him.

She seemed nervous, like she was ready to jump out of her skin any minute.

The door opened and two guys stepped outside, both checking the building and streets but not seeing anything. One motioned to Lacy who obediently held out her arms and let the second one pat her down.

He backed away from her and she lowered her arms, the first one gave two swift knocks on the door and a second later King stepped out onto the sidewalk.

"Damn," Demon muttered.

Up until this point he'd been holding on to the slim hope that they were wrong about Lacy, that she wasn't with King. He'd hoped it'd been a misunderstanding but now he was faced with the truth.

King walked up to her and went in for a hug, she sidestepped him and wrapped her arms around herself. He said something and reached out to tip her face up forcing her to look at him.

King began speaking to her and she shook her head, walking a few feet away and then pacing back to his side. He reached out and caught her arm as she walked passed, obviously getting fed up with her. She shrugged him off and began to yell, Demon couldn't hear her but she was clearly angry.

King shook his head and turned, preparing to go back into the building and Lacy ran to catch him. She caught his arm and turned him around and said something to him but refused to look at him. He smiled and leaned down to kiss her cheek, clearly she'd given in to his request, whatever it was.

King went into the building and so did the two goons that were with him, Lacy didn't move. She stood rooted to her spot then slowly she turned and leaned her back against the building sliding down into the sitting position and resting her head on her knees.

Demon watched her, she didn't move and he debated driving away. It was too dangerous to go after King right now, that building was probably swarming with other members of the Aces Wild.

After a few minutes she stood and walked to her bike, climbing on and tearing down the street. He followed along behind her, keeping pace but leaving distance between them.

She parked a few miles away near a rundown apartment building and went inside. Demon knew the place well, whores and drug dealers, homeless and hopeless people lived here. It wasn't the kind of place she would normally stay. He parked a few blocks down and jogged to catch up to her, following her inside the building.

There were people passed out on the stairs and she moved around them silently, her shoulders slumped. He followed quietly, careful not to step on anyone. She stopped on the third floor, near the second door. The apartment complex was strangely quiet and smelled of urine and mold. It was the kind of place that even if she screamed for help, nobody would care.

She unlocked the door with the key, the door looked flimsy enough that anyone who wanted in badly enough could break it down. She slipped inside and he made his move, he caught the door with his hand a second before she could close it and forced his way into the dark apartment.

Damaged Lace. *The Animals MC book two.*Where stories live. Discover now