Chapter Nineteen.

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Photo is of Jay Ryan, the man picked to be Raphael!

The next morning the clubhouse was busy with everyone preparing for the fight ahead, they all had a job to do and did so without complaint. Working in a tandem of silence with each other, the women and children did their part by settling everything into one room of the compound. Should the war come to them everyone was instructed to be waiting in the basement and only come out for the animals.

Zeke waited until Ty had stepped outside before searching for Wolf, he found him in the main room surrounded by a few other men. Iris was balanced on his hip and he pointed to a map. Raphael had agreed that he would lead their brothers from out of town so that Wolf could concentrate on his own men.

"I want two men on this rooftop, anything that comes out of the building that's not wearing our colors, I want dead." Wolf said.

"You got it, we'll put three men up there."

"Wolf, can I talk to you?" Zeke asked.


Wolf sat Iris on a stool and gave her a pat on the head, walking towards Zeke. The two started walking in no particular direction.

"I haven't been told what I'm doing tomorrow," Zeke said.

"That's because you're not going, you're staying with the women and children."


"You're too weak to go into a war," Wolf stated.

"I'm strong enough to fight, I can't stay here. Not with Ty going to war."

"Ty is the one who asked that you not be sent."

"Wolf please, let me go. I need to be there for him."

Wolf stopped walking and turned to face him, seeming to think it over. Zeke knew he probably wasn't in the best shape to be fighting but he was not going to let Ty go alone.

"We would need someone else to stay and watch the women and kids."

"Then let it be Ty, please? He's my only real family. I've dedicated my life to this club and being your right hand. You owe me."

"Fine, but you tell your brother and you deal with him."

"I will," Zeke promised.

"Very well."

Wolf turned and went back inside without another word and Zeke sighed heavily. He was relieved to know that Ty wouldn't be going to fight but he couldn't help admit to himself that he probably wouldn't be back.

Demon paced the hallway, flipping his phone from one hand to the other, he wanted to call Lacy. He wanted to hear her voice one more time, he wanted to talk to her but he knew he couldn't. He'd said his goodbyes last night and he had to stick by it.

"Hey, what's going on?" A voice asked.

He looked up to see Morgan walking down the hall, carrying a sleeping Iris. He smiled and shoved his phone in his pocket.

"Nothing at all."

"She's still not taking your calls?" Morgan asked as she reached the door to her room.


"Come on Demon, I'm not stupid."

She moved into the room and he hesitantly followed her, watching her tuck Iris into the bed. The small child didn't even stir.

Damaged Lace. *The Animals MC book two.*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن