Chapter twenty five.

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Photo is of Lacy

Three days later Wolf finally called everyone to the table, Zeke was still weakened but was healed enough that with help for Ty was able to make it to his chair. Demon and Lacy had barely left his room since the fight, coming out only for food and to go feed her cat and his dog. Nobody was sure if Lacy was hiding from everyone or if Demon was trying to keep her all to himself while he could.

After a brief consideration Wolf decided to let the families who wished to be present at the meeting into the room, the decision that was weighing on his shoulders was what to do about Lacy. As the men and their families filed into the room Morgan approached with Iris on her hip.

"I don't think I'm going in," Jenny said to Sky.

"You don't have to," He replied.

"Would you mind watching Iris? I think I want to go inside," Morgan said.

"Sure," Jenny smiled and lifted Iris from Morgan.

After Sky went inside and Jenny wandered off with Iris Morgan took a minute to stand in the doorway. She took a deep breath and debated not going inside but a part of her knew she had too, if only to make sure Lacy saw one friendly face.

Lacy and Demon were the last ones to head towards the conference room, they paused outside the doors together and she drew in a shaky breath. Demon looked at her then reached out to give her hand a gentle squeeze, he knew she was scared.

"I've never been this afraid before," She admitted.

He didn't say anything, there was nothing he could say now that would help her. She'd made her mistakes and now she had to learn the consequences.

She released his hand and they walked into the room together, he took his normal seat at the table but his eyes never left her.

"This meeting is now in order," Wolf called to the large crowd.

Lacy looked around not only was every Animal in their chapter seated at the table there were several standing behind the regular members, Raphael stood in a darkened corner and every wall was lined with people.

"I want to start this meeting by informing you all that we have found Ivan and Laurel. Ivan is in lock up and as of now we don't know how long, Laurel is in ICU but they think she will pull through. With that being said, I think Lacy deserves the floor....any objections?"

There was silence among the men and then Wolf looked directly at her.

"Go ahead," He said.

"My name is Lacy Grant....and I've been lying to all of you," She started, looking directly at Demon as she spoke.

"My father was.....Norman Grant."

"Wait, THE Norman Grant?" Ty asked.

"Yes," She said, swallowing back the lump in her throat and the tears.

She saw the shock register on everyone's face, including Demons as they realized just how long she'd been lying to all of them. She took a shaky breath.

"For those of you who don't know...Norman Grant was the head of the Aces Wild, before King."

Demon looked away, for the first time since they had entered the room he looked away from her and she knew he was done.

"Twelve years ago my father was in charge of the Aces Wild, he wanted to take out other MCs and so he needed a rat. He trained me to infiltrate other clubs and gain information he could use to take them down. I was involved with another club and my father was killed, after he died the Aces turned their backs on me. I was left alone, for two years I lived on the streets and I was homeless."

Damaged Lace. *The Animals MC book two.*Where stories live. Discover now