Chapter Twenty One.

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Photo is of Lacy

Ivan and Laurel stepped into a large room, it was full of crates and boxes that were piled higher than their heads. Ivan walked ahead of Laurel, keeping her behind him as they walked around the boxes.

"You shouldn't have came here," He said.

"This war is partly my fault."

"I don't care, you shouldn't be here. You should have gotten out of this business years ago."

"Like you?" She shot back.

He didn't have a chance to reply, a second before he could formulate a response a bullet ricocheted between them getting lodged in a box. He reacted first, shoving her with him behind a box.

"Where did it come from?" She asked.

"I don't know."

Another shot went into the wall behind her and she ducked to the side, pressing herself into the stack of wooden crates. Ivan moved closer to her.

"I'll draw them out," He said.


"I'll run for it and you head back the way we came."

"No, I'm not leaving you."

"You're too damn stubborn this is why we're divorced!" He yelled.

She was going to say something back when another bullet implanted itself in the wood just above her head. She winced this time. Ivan shoved her back into a corner, pushing her down until she was kneeling on the floor.

"Stay here and stay down."

"Let me help."

He shook his head, taking the time to reload his gun. A bullet ricocheted near them and had Laurel not shoved him to the ground would have hit him for sure.

"You need me," She said.

"Fine, keep your head down and stay close."

She took a second to reload her gun as well before giving him a nod that she was ready. He turned and took a deep breath before slipping around a corner, Laurel right behind him.

Wolf didn't realize right away that he'd lost Demon, but by the time he did was too far into the building to turn back. He saw a door and stepped outside into a small back yard, there was a picnic table to his left and no sign of any people.

The sun was beating down and he could hear the sirens from the fire department approaching. They'd be here soon and he had to be sure that his men were gone, if Zeke was alive they couldn't leave him but if he was not their only choice would be to strip his jacket from the body and make a run for it.

He turned to go in and flinched when he heard a single gunshot echoing through the air, he turned and saw a man laying dead a few inches away. He glanced up and saw Raphael and Sky on top of the neighboring building, Raphael gave him a single wave.

He turned and moved back into the building, he couldn't hear anymore gun shots and he wasn't sure if that was because his men had cleaned out the building or because he was the only one left alive. There was only one way to find out, he had to find his men and get out of there.

Damaged Lace. *The Animals MC book two.*Where stories live. Discover now