Chapter Twenty Three.

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Photo is of Morgan

It was a full two hours before Lacy was ready to go inside, she and Demon crossed the threshold into the clubhouse together and it felt surreal to be back in the home she'd abandoned. Although she hadn't been gone long she was still surprised by how nothing had changed, the floorboard near the door still squeaked, the scratch on the bar was still there, the broken pinball machine still sat in the corner as it had for the past three years, practically nothing had changed and yet everything was different.

Morgan was standing a few yards away holding Iris and listening to Wolf and Raphael talk about Zeke and his condition. Becky stood beside her with Ty gripping his arm and trying to appear calm.

Sensing her unease Demon put a hand gently on her shoulder.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I just didn't realize until now, how much I missed being here."

Morgan was the first one to see them standing off to the shadows and wasted no time heading in their direction. Lacy tensed and took a step back, she winced when Morgan lifted a hand. Instead of the slap she was sure she would receive Morgan threw an arm around her and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Thank God you're alright, I was hoping you would be."

Lacy hesitated a minute before hugging her friend back, Iris was balanced on Morgans left hip and participated in a mini group hug. When the women pulled away Lacy was crying, Morgan gently wiped a tear off her friends cheek.

"Don't cry," Morgan said.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know...I never thought...."

"I know, I forgive you. I'm just glad you're safe."

"I thought you'd be mad at me."

"I was at first, for quite a while really but you're my best friend and...Iris is going to be fine."

"I'm glad, I never wanted anything to happen to her or you."

"I know."

Wolf walked over to where they stood and Iris reached for him, he lifted her off her mother before turning to Lacy and Demon.

"I'm not sure about Zeke, it's pretty bad. Nobody has heard from Ivan and Laurel either."

"We all got separated in the warehouse, maybe they went out a different way." Demon said.

"I don't know but I don't like not knowing they made it out."

"What do you plan on doing for Zeke?" Morgan asked.

"One of the younger members has a sister here, she's a nurse and she's with him now. Other than that there isn't much we can do."

"So, what's the plan?" Demon asked.

"For now we wait, and she doesn't go anywhere. I'm not finished with her," Wolf said, pointing to Lacy.

Lacy dropped her head but didn't reply. Wolf turned and walked away, Morgan offered Lacy a small smiled and squeezed her arm briefly before following him.

"What do you think he's going to do?" She asked Demon.

"I don't know."

She sighed heavily then turned to face him, tossing her arms lightly around his neck.

"Would you do me a favor?"


"Take me to bed?"

"Now!? It's the middle of the day."


He stood there for a minute then took her hand in his and led her down the hall way and into his room, he pressed her up against the door and sealed his lips over hers. She kissed him back pushing his jacket off his wide shoulders and onto the floor. He pulled away for only a second to spin her around, pinning her hands above her head and her front to the door. She let her head fall back against his shoulder as he began trailing kisses down her neck.

"I am never going to get enough of you," He said roughly in her ear.

She pulled her left hand free from his grip where it was pressed into the door above her head and slid it down his chest and into his pants. She found what she was looking for and he released her other hand, bracing his arms against the door on either side of her and pressing against her.

"You're torturing me," He groaned against her neck.

"Well, now you know how it feels."

He laughed before spinning her around, effectively removing her hand from his pants he lifted her off her feet. Her legs naturally went around his waist bringing him closer to her and rubbing against him.

He turned laying her down on the bed and instantly coming down on top of her, she stripped off her own shirt as he fumbled with his belt and in a matter of seconds he was finally inside her again.

Becky stood in the doorway to Zeke's room, the nurse was examining every inch of his bruised flesh with gentle care but Ty still flinched every time she would press on a certain area.

"Be careful," Ty scolded.

"I assure you I'm being as gentle as I can," She replied.

Becky moved further into the room to place her hand on his shoulder, he was tense and she knew he was worried about Zeke. After their parents death Zeke dropped everything in his own life to take care of Ty, if he didn't pull through Ty wouldn't have any real family left.

"He's going to be fine, he's too stubborn to go out like this." Becky said.

"Yeah," Ty agreed but he wasn't convincing.

Finally after a few minutes the nurse sighed and stood, she stared at Zeke for a minute before walking over to Ty and Becky. She stepped out into the hall a motioned them to join her.

"Well?" Becky asked.

"I don't think he has any broken bones but he is going to be sore and he's badly bruised. If he'd been a healthy man when he went to that fight I wouldn't be worried but he was already so weak from being in prison I honestly don't know if his body has what it takes to heal."

"He can't die," Becky said.

"I'm sorry, really I am. If he makes it through the next few hours and into tomorrow I'd say we're okay but....I just don't know."

Ty turned back towards the room staring in at the bed where Zeke lay still unconscious, he pushed a hand through his hair with a heavy sigh.

"Do you think he'll wake up?" Ty asked.

"I think so, he was conscious after the blast so I don't think there's any trauma to his brain. It's just a matter of if he can bounce back."

"Is there anything we can do?" Becky asked, holding back tears.

"Stay with him, talk to him. Be prepared for the worst."

The nurse offered them a sad smile and then left them alone in the hall way. Becky let out a choked sob and Ty wrapped her in his arms, tears filling his own eyes. He dropped a kiss on top of her head and then rested his chin there for a few minutes, finding comfort in her being there.

"I'll sit with him first, you rest." she said softly.

"No I can, he's my brother."

"You'll come get me if anything changes?" She asked, looking up at him.


She pulled away and then leaned up to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. He watched her walk away before going into Zeke's room. He found a vacant chair in the corner and pulled it closer to the bed, preparing for a long night.

Damaged Lace. *The Animals MC book two.*Where stories live. Discover now