Chapter 15

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I wake up to the most magnificent warmth. Xander was spooning me from behind. His arm was tightly placed on my waist while his other arm was under my head.
I try to snuggle closer, but as soon as I moved there was a slight sting around my core. 

And then all of the memories from last night flood in! I lost it! I lost my V-Card! I guess the reality of it kinda shocked me. Before, I couldn't even think of myself ever losing it, but I guess fate had a different idea, or the moon goddess in my case.

I move over to the edge of the bed, wanting to go to the bathroom to pee, only to be pulled back tightly against Xander's chest. He buries his face in my hair.

I giggle, "Xander, I need to go to the bathroom."

He snuggles his face closer against my hair and groans, "You should wear diapers in bed so than you can stay in my arms for the whole morning."

I laugh as I wiggle out of his reach, only because he finally loosened his grip on me. "That's so gross! you have the most weirdest ideas."

He shrugs his shoulders, "What? I am a man of many good ideas."

"Yes, many, but not all Xander Nightwalker."

With this new found confidence, I leave the sheets on the bed and walk around the room to the bathroom...naked!

"I'm one lucky man," Xander mumbles to himself.

I stop at the door and look over my shoulder. My mate is lying on the bed with a sheet around his hips, topless. He's got his hands resting behind his head, making his beautiful god-given muscles more of a tight defined appearance.

"You checking me out Sweetheart?"

Oh my gosh! With blushing cheeks I quickly turn away into the bathroom, hearing my mates deep chuckle as I shut the door.

After I did my business, I started my morning routine, beginning with washing my face. I had put some clothes at this point. Just some simple comfy shorts and one of Xander's t-shirts. 

While moisturising my washed face, my phone buzzed, indicating that I had just received a message.

I open the message and see that it's a video. I frown when the sender was unknown. It was a short clip of two couple in a dark room. They both passionately shed their clothes and start to have sex.
I felt my face scrunch in confusion as well as disturbance. What the hell is this? Why would somebody send me something like this? Who is this eve from?

As disturbing as it was, I kept watching. There must be a reason this was sent? As observe the scene curiously, it began to look familiar. 

The man in the video was very big while the female was small. He caressed her gently, it kinda reminds me of what Xander di-OH MY GOSH! It's me and Xander!! I skip the video and saw my face. Someone was filming us! A cherished moment...and some sick psycho got it on TAPE! Fucking asshole!

I felt my blood run cold. A queasy feeling settles in the pit of my stomach. I think I'm gonna be sick. All the blood drains from my face...leaving me mortified. He saw us. He saw me! He was on our property.

A knock sounded at the door,
"Izzy? you okay?" Xander said from the other side of the door, "It got quiet in there?" A concerned tone emanated.

I wanted to let him know I was okay, but I didn't even have the voice to say anything. My mind was too busy processing what just happened. My eyes were completely glued on the screen as every bad scenario played through my mind. I look at the text message below the video. It says:

You think you're immune,
To the powers that be,
Those who say,
That you're meant for me,
You try to hide,
Forever deny,
That you are mine
Until you die

XANDER (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now