Chapter 44

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I've been running for a few minutes now. Izzy has been drifting in and out of consciousness. "You're okay baby, you're okay." I keep mumbling as a sprint.

I sigh in relief as I see the hospital lights. I burst through the door and see Mary at the front desk looking at her papers, "MARY!" I shouted. She looks up at me, but her eyes are instantly drawn to a very pale and very pregnant Izzy in my arms. Mary is on her feet and rushes towards me. She starts to shout orders at her team. A doctor rolls a hospital bed and I lay my mate on it. They rush her towards a room and I follow.

"The length of the stab is two inches, the depth of it is unknown." someone said.

"She has bled too much, we need a blood transplant. John! get me some -0 blood stat!"

"Her heart is failing!"

"We need to perform a C-section if there is any chance of her and the baby living." They rush around the room, preparing to cut my mate open and I just stand there staring at her pale body.

"Sir if you would like to stay, you need to put these on." A little Asian woman hands me some scrubs. I quickly go into the bathroom and change. I come out and see that everyone is ready. They cleaned my mate up and put her in some dress scrubs.

"Alright, let's get this baby out."

My hands curled into a fist as I watch all of these people touching my mate. I had to do my very best to hold my wolf back when they cut her lower belly open. Now and then I growled, but they still continued. I watched as they used this strange tool to keep the incision open. The doctor put his hand in her open belly and out came something that was so surreal. It was a baby. My baby. I was in awe as I watch the doctor pull out my son, my crying son. He looked at me and smile, "It's a boy!"

I smiled. My heart was beating against my chest as I watched the nurses clean my son. A hand touches my arm. I look and see that it's one of the nurses. She smiles at me and nods towards the bed. I turn and see my Izzy coming back to consciousness. I rush towards her and grab her hand, "Izzy? Sweetheart? Can you hear me?"

She blinks a couple of times before her eyes slowly focuses on me. She frowns then looks around at the hospital. Suddenly her eyes widen in a panic. "No no please don't tell me I lost him."
She sits up but whimpers because of the stitches. Izzy still starts to shake as she looks around the room frantically. "No no" she keeps mumbling.

I grab her face softly and turn her eyes towards me, "Hey hey. It's okay! Izzy stop!! You're okay!"

"The baby..." She whispers,

"Is fine. They performed a c-section on you because your stab wound induced you into labor."

She lays back down and sighs in relief. She still looks extremely pale, but I think she's okay.

"Luna, would you like to hold your son?"

I look up and see a nurse holding my pup. Izzy's eyes instantly brighten. She nods her head. She tries to pull herself up a bit, but immediately winces. I instantly get up and wrap my arms around her to pull her up a little. She smiles to me in thanks. Then the nurse settles our little treasure in Izzy's arms.

They just look at each other for so long. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. My Izzy and our son that we made together. Then out of no where, our son cracks a huge smile on his face as he looks at Izzy. He starts to laugh and giggle as he touched her face. All of the nurses stop what they're doing and look. Their eyes widen in shock.
"A new born baby isn't supposed to be able to do that. They're too young to feel those kinds of emotions yet, let alone express them."

XANDER (Editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant