Chapter 37

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Breath, just breath Elizabeth. Everything is okay. I've been crawling in this dark tunnel for at least an HOUR! I thought this was going to be easy, but NO! I am a pregnant woman, crawling in a black hole, trying to save her true love! The prince is supposed to be doing this stuff, but obviously not! I my back and shoulder are aching from crawling for so long. "I think, I deserve a little rest." The hole is big enough for me to sit against the wall for a bit. I lay my hand on my protruding stomach, "Please," I beg, "Please give me the strength to keep going. Please help me." Tears fill my eyes. Why did my life turn out this way? Why can't we just be left alone. M wipe the sweat off of my forehead. I get a slight chill as a gust of fresh air hits me. Wait! fresh air? With my heightened sense of smell, I follow where it came from. I keep following for about 10 minutes

"Hey Joey! shut that damn door! It's freezing." I hear. I see a little it of light ahead. It's a vent. I see two guys. One is on a couch smoking and the other is on his phone.

"Hey, do you think the maser is actually going to kill that Alpha?"

"What? Xander? Hell yeah. The guys a nut. Sad for his girl though. She's pregnant."

"Oh shut up. We both know her baby ain't gonna last. As soon as he shoots the guy i the head, master's gonna get rid of that thing."

"Yeah, probably."

My chest tightens as I listen to them. Please tell me they'll be wrong. For now though, I can't afford to think like that. There will always be hope. The only time there won't be is when I'm dead. I look around the floor frantically. I can't find any kind of rock or stone. I need something heavy. I stretch my arm to the back of leg, getting my shoe off. I throw it to the far side, down the tunnel.

Both the guards are instantly on their feet. "Did you hear that?"

"Yeah, it sounds like bang from the other room."

"Hurry, let's go check it out."

They both rush out. I twist my body so than instead of my head looking down from the vent, my feet are rested upon it. With all my strength, I hit the vent with my heel, over and over again, "Come on!" I growl. I hit it again, "Come on!" I keep hitting it. I feel my heel is bruising badly, I might've even possibly fractured it slightly. But I can't stop. I need to get to Xander before it's too late. I keep hitting. The vent finally broke through. I slipped out and landed on the couch luckily. I quickly look around, checking out the area. I stand up, but my foot gives way, making me fall back onto the couch. "Ugh damn it!" There has to be something that I can use. I see a wooden broom. Ugh good enough. I take the broom and lean on it. I rush out of the room, look left and right. Where would Xander be? I sniff the air. I catch a slight musky, woodsy smell. Xander. I follow it. As I pass the windows, I start to hear growls. Flesh beating against flesh, snapping, biting. What kind of training to they do to the rogues? It sounds horrific. Foot steps make their way towards me. My heart beats fast. I look around, there is no where for me to hide. I see the broom in my hand. "Please let this work." I use my hair to cover my face and start sweeping the floor. The steps come closer, getting louder and louder. It seemed like an eternity, but really it was only a few seconds before I see black combat boots stomping their way down the hall near me. I get out of his way and sweep on the far side of the hall. I feel the breeze when he walks past me and keeps walking. I release a breathe of relief. Thank you! But then I realized. The steps. They've stopped. Just as well as my heart did when I felt eyes on the back of my head. I start to sweep again. I walk around slowly as if I was a crippled slave. I cough into my hand as if I had a bad throat infection. I hear a grunt of disgust, then the retreating sound of the man's footsteps. I sigh in relief. I quickly run down the hallway, but a strong sense of authority and power was in the atmosphere. What is that? I feel every nerve in my body buzzing out from the energy that is everywhere.

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