Chapter 1 The Blood Moon

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                        Blake POV

"Blake!!" I hear Tammy scream my name. She busts through the door breathing heavily. Seeing tears staining her face, I'm up from my seat quickly, ready to kill whoever is the cause of this.

"Timothy got into a fight with some guys. He has lost control go stop them before they kill my brother!!" She screams, breathing heavily, barely able to get her words out.

"Stay here." I quickly make my way out of the office, closing the door behind me. She's scared that they're going to kill Tim, but it's the wolves who she should be scared for. They are no match for him, and now that he has lost control to the blood moon he is all beast. It will be a blood bath if I don't get to him quickly. Why did these fucking wolves pick the day of the blood moon to pick a fight with Tim?

I quickly move through the hall of the castle, following the scent of blood. As I get closer, the scent of blood grows stronger.

Once I turn the corner, I see wolves laying on the floor. Some of them lay there bloody and lifeless in their human, while some are still in their wolf form alive, but injured and bleeding out. I keep moving following the sound of fighting until I see wolves biting and clawing trying to take Tim down as he rips into them with sharp teeth and claws.

"Stop!!" My voice boom with command. Being the son of the first lycan I'm the alpha of alphas. My alpha command works on every werewolf from the strongest to the weakest. Alpha wolves being the strongest and the most aggressive wolves, they hate that I have that kind of power over them. So if I'm not holding an alpha meeting they stay as far away from me as they can.

The wolves stop attacking and slowly start to backing away from Tim. They continue to growl keeping their eyes locked on him.

"Tim!!" I say getting his attention to stop him from attack the wolves. He turns towards me, his eyes are black as night letting me know the beast is in control. A deep growl vibrates his chest as he raises up on his hind legs and takes off running towards me. I prepare my self for his attack. I duck under his sharp claws, as he swings them through the air at me and places a hard blow to his gut knocking him to the ground. 

"Tim take control!! You control the beast, the beast doesn't control you!!" I command him. I knock him back to the ground, as he tries to get back up to fight. Seconds later he starts to shift back, naked and bloody.

Breathing heavily, he looks around at the bloody scene around him. "Bla-Blake I'm sorry, I couldn't control it. I tried, but The blood moon was too strong, and the wolves kept pushing for a fight until I lost control." He looks around at all the dead and injured wolves laying on the ground, their blood soaking the floor. I can see the panic in his eyes, this is the first time Tim has taken a life.

More wolves start to crowd the halls. Some just watch on in horror at the bloody scene in front of them, while others are crying for the friends, mates, and family they just lost, while some try to help the wolves who aren't dead.

"Its okay Tim, come on we need to get you away from everyone." I keep my voice even trying to calm him down. I need to get him away from everyone before one of these wolves lose control and cause another fight to break out.

"It's okay!? No, it's not fucking okay that bastard killed my brother!!" This guy says, letting out a growl, glaring at Tim. I let out a deep growl silencing him. He slowly lowers his head to me, looking at the ground, baring his neck to me in submission. But he is right, it's not okay. Their alphas and families will want answers for the dead men that Tim killed.

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