Chapter 3 The Meeting

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        Blake POV

Waking up the next morning, I look over to see that Tammy is still asleep. I get out of the bed carefully, not wanting to wake her up. I have to get ready for this meeting. The alphas will be arriving soon.

After getting dressed, I make my way through the empty castle to get Tim. As I walk through the castle I look around the empty halls that are normally filled with wolves and children running around. I stop at Tim's room knocking on the door. "Come in" I enter the room to see that he's still in bed.

"Tim the alphas will be here soon, you need to attend the meet. You have the right to defend your self." I tell him.

"Will Tammy be attending the meeting?" He asked.

"No, I didn't wake her she's still asleep."

He gives me a nod as he gets out of bed.

I purposely plan the meeting early this morning, knowing Tammy will still be asleep. I don't think it's a good idea for her to attend the meeting. Things will be said and if any of the alphas say something to offend or hurt her in any way, I may not be able to stop myself from killing them.

I leave Tim's room so he can get ready. "Blake the alphas have started to arrive," Fred tells me.

"Take them to the meeting room. I will be down in a minute." I go check to see if Tammy is still asleep. I slowly open the room door, looking inside to see that she's still the way I left her. I slowly close the door carefully, knowing it's best if she doesn't come.

Making my way through the halls, I meet up with Tim. "The alphas have all arrived, its time," I say to him, leading the way to the meeting room with Tim right beside me.

I'm truly not in the mood to deal with these young disrespectful alphas and I pray they don't get brave and decides to test my patience today.

There are Fourteen alphas bloodlines and each bloodline have a main pack. The Fourteen main packs are the largest and the strongest and are lead by the firstborn son of their entire bloodline. It's in an alpha male nature to lead not to follow, So most of the time the second born, third born, etc will leave the pack forming their own packs. But any alpha male has the right to challenge another alpha male for his pack. There are many packs out there. Over the years some of them have become almost as big and strong as the main fourteen.

I walk through the meeting room doors causing everyone to go silent. I let my dominance fill the room, letting the alphas feel my power. I have to show them that the power they hold doesn't come close to mine. I'm the Apex predator in the room. They may think that I enjoy making them submit to me, but I truly get no pleasure out of it. But it has to be done. I have to make them accept me as their superior. The same way I have done with their forefathers.

I take my seat at the end of the long rectangular table. Tim take the seat to the left of me. I start looking all of the young alphas into their eyes challenging them. One by one they all looked down bowing their heads submitting, not wanting to accept my challenge.

Summiting is not in an alpha male's nature, but they have no choice, either they summit or accept my challenge and die. I have to go through this with every generation of the firstborn alphas. I have to show them that their place is not above me, and the sooner they accept it the easier things will be.

Once I get to alpha James he holds eye contact with me a little longer than the rest of them before bowing his head summiting. I expected that from him. I always have trouble with the James bloodline.

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