Chapter 28

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Blake POV

The next morning I taking a quick shower, before heading down to the dining hall to have breakfast.

I walk into the dining hall and everyone goes silent as I take my seat at the table. I look over to see that Tammy isn't in here yet. Good, because I'm not in the mood for her disrespect.

Once I start to eat, everyone else follows.

"Did you find out anything about the alpha king?" Fred ask me.

"I found out who his mate is and where she will be. I'll be going to get her in a week, forcing him to come to me." I tell him.

I look over at the door, watching Tammy walk into the room with Andy, looking up at him smiling. I glare at her before looking away, continuing to eat.

"The longer you and Tammy are this close, the pull of the mate bond will only grow stronger. Just don't go crazy and kill Andy if you do give in to the bond, he's still my best friend." Fred says, looking over at Tammy and Andy, as they take their seats at the other end of the table.

"Andy can have her. I'm not worried about giving in to the mate bond, she'll be long gone from here soon." I can feel the pull of the bond growing stronger and stronger every day. I'm sure she can feel the pull, but since all my senses are heightened, the pull is much stronger for me.

I never asked for this, so why would the goddess curse me with this.

Tammy may be beautiful, but there are endless numbers of beautiful women I can have. And I don't have to get emotionally involved like I would with Tammy. I have never been good with emotions. Emotions will only be my downfall.

I make eye contact with Tammy but quickly look away. I expected to come back to nothing, but instead I came back to a family that I didn't have before. I look over at the twins and Fred boys sitting at one of the other tables, talking and laughing with their friends while they eat. I hate that I wasn't here to watch them grow.

I glance over at Tammy, feeling the mate bond pulling at me. I see Andy hold a sausage to Tammy's mouth, letting her eat from his hands. It's a simple gesture, but amongst our kind that gesture means a lot when a female eats for a male hands.

Out of instinct a low growl rumbles from my chest as I glare at Andy. I grip the silverware in my hand, causing it to bend.

"Blake," Fred calls my name snapping me out of it. I push my beast back and loosen my grip on the silverware.

The pull of the bond is strong and her scent isn't making it any better.

I stand up and leave the dining hall. I need to get from her, away from her scent to clear my head. Once she's far from here, the distance will stop the pull.

I leave the castle and head into the forest. I walk through the forest, taking in the scent of the tree, dirt, berries, animals, everything. Helping me to get rid of Tammy scent.

"Come out, I know you're there." I look back to see Tammy's son come from behind the tree. He has been following me ever since I left out the dining hall.

"How did you know I was here, did you smell me?" He asks coming from behind the tree, walking up to me.

"You're not as quiet as you think you are kid." I could smell him, but I could also hear him.

"BJ is teaching me how to move quietly like the ninja turtles. And he's teaching me how to fight. I'm getting pretty good, come on let me show you my moves." He says, taking a fighting stance.

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