Chapter 25

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Blake POV

We make it back to my land with the other ten first born alphas and their families. I take them all down to the prison locking them inside the cells. Three of the packs were loyal to their alpha and tried to fight, but that didn't end well for some of them. I have no wish to kill any of these common wolves, but as I said, I will kill anyone who gets in my way.

I leave out the prison with Tim and Fred and head into the castle.

I get to my room to see that someone has brought all the bags of clothes that Sarah got for me to the room. I walk into the bathroom and turn the shower on, stepping inside. I look up at the water, letting the slightly hot water hit my skin, washing the blood off.

After having a quick shower I walk back into the room, going over to the bags of clothes. I take out a white T-shirt and some blue jeans and get dressed

I leave the room, heading back to the prison to punish the alphas. As I walk through the castle, all the wolves bow to me, as they head to the dining hall for breakfast.

As I walk past the dining hall, my stomach growls out Smelling the food coming from the dining hall. Knowing I haven't eaten in the past few days while hunting down the firstborn alphas, I decided to eat first. I'm not in any rush, those mutts and their families aren't going anywhere.

All the wolves stop eating and go silent, when I walk into the dining hall, showing respect as I take my seat at the head of the longest table.

I let out a deep growl, looking across the table at Tammy as, she continues to eat, not acknowledging my presence.

I will not be disrespected by her or anyone else!

"I have had enough of your endless disrespect!" I lean over placing my hands on the table, glaring at her. I start to feel my claws elongating, digging into the table.

She looks over at me, wiping her mouth with the napkin, before looking away. "I'm finished, I'll be in the room if you need me." She says to Andy, ignoring everything I just said like I'm below her.

I'm the fucking king!

Andy gives her a small nod before she stands up leaving the dining hall, not giving me a second look.

I will not stand for this, it stops now! I let out a deep growl, standing up from the table. I leave out the dining hall and see Tammy making her way down the hall.

I take long strides catching up to her.  I reach out to grab her arm, but the second the tips of my nails make contact with her skin, she spins around swinging a silver blade at me in the process. I quickly lean back dodging the blade, causing me to stumble back a little.

"Don't you dare fucking touch me!" She holds the silver blade out towards me, with a glare.

I let out a growl, reaching out to grab her hand that she's holding the blade with, but stop when she starts swinging the blade attacking me.

I let out a growl, dodging all her attacks.

It's obvious that she has been taught to use this blade. The attacks she's using with this blade isn't something you can just learn anywhere. I only taught Fred to use a blade this way, so he must have trained her to use this blade.

I throw a punch but stop myself at the last second, leaving my fist sitting in place centimeters away from her face. I let out a deep growl unable to bring myself to hit her.

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