Chapter 38

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                   Tammy POV

After Blake leaves the room with Adam, I walk into the closet to get dressed. I take off Andy's shirt and let out a sigh. My eyes start to water a little. I miss Andy so much. I didn't get a chance to say bye before he left, but he'll be back soon. I hate the thought of Andy being with someone else, but I have to let him move on.

I put Andy's shirt into the dirty clothes bin. Blake and I got into a big fight last night because I wouldn't take off Andy's shirt. I don't care that he has marked me. He doesn't have any kind of ownership over me, and he will not make me do anything I don't want to.

After I get dressed I leave out the closet walking over to the dresser but stop when I remember Blake threw my knives out the window. After having at least one knife on me for the last past seventy years, I now feel naked without one. I have my crossbow and guns here, but I prefer my knives. They are small and easy to carry around. I'll have someone to collect my knives that Blake throughout the window.

I let out a sigh and leave the room, heading down to the dining hall.

I sit here eating while talking to Tim and his mate Mandy. Tim told me how he took her from her pack when he first found her, and that he shouldn't have done things that way. That's one thing I hate about the whole mate thing. The males feel as they have some kind of ownership over the females. I guess it's just their way of living, I don't know. But I'm not one of them and that's not my way of living. Just because Blake marked me, doesn't mean he gets to control what I do because he doesn't like it.

I find myself glancing over to where Blake normally sits, but he's not here. He hasn't been having breakfast the last past few days, maybe just to avoid me. I look at Blake's empty seat, a small part of me wants to see him. I'm sure that's because of this stupid mark.

As we eat and talk, I notice the dirty looks BJ and Lisa are giving each other. They get like this when they're mad. Sometimes this can boil over into a fight. "BJ and Lisa, I need a word with the both of you." I give them a glare before standing up walking out the dining hall. They both follow me out of the dining hall, walking behind me.

"What's the matter with the two of you?" I ask once we're on an empty hall. Lisa glares down at the ground, while BJ glares off to the side, not looking at each. They both stand here not saying anything thing.

"Speak now!" I glare at them both.

"BJ's trying to kill my mate." Lisa glare over at BJ.

"He's going to pay for what he did!" BJ glare back at her, leaving me confused. What the hell is going on? When did Lisa find her mate? Am I the only one who doesn't get the news around here!

"You're not going to kill him!" Lisa reaches over pushing BJ, but he quickly shoves her hands away.

"Hey! Keep your hands to yourself!" I glare at Lisa.

Lisa let out a puff of air, folding her arms across her chest. "Who's your mate. And why are you trying to kill him? Why haven't I heard about any of this?!" I ask them both.

"He's the alpha king son and he almost killed Alia when I run into him in the city. He's going to pay for what he did to her." BJ says angrily.

"He could've killed her if he wanted to, but he didn't!" Lisa says earning her growl from BJ.

"BJ you may hate him, but he's her ma-"

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