Chapter 8

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Alia POV

  Ryan quickly makes his way over to Donna and my cell unlocking them, letting us out.

"I know you guys want an explanation for what I did, but I will have to explain later. Right now we need to get out of here. The sun is going down and more vampires will be coming out any minute." He turns around heading back up the stairs.

"Take these collars off so we'll be able to protect ourselves." We will not be able to fight with these collars around our necks.

"You need to keep them on so I can get you two pass the guards posted at the gate." He says.

"I don't see how keeping these collars around our necks will help get us past the guards." I frown.

"Just trust me." He says. He will be the last person I trust right now.

"We trusted you only for you to betray us the last time," I say glaring over at him.

"I will explain all of that later, but we really need to get out of here now before this guard wakes up. Follow me and keep your heads down." He turns around making his way up the stairs.

"Please don't leave us down here!!" I hear a female begging voice followed by many other voices, begging to be freed from the cells.

"Let them out," I say stopping him as he makes his way up the stairs.

"We don't have time to unlock every cell, there's too many. We need to go now." I look back at them. I hear so many voices begging and pleading for us to let them out, but I have no other choice but to leave them.

"I'll come back for you guy's, I promise I'll come back," I tell them before running up the stairs leaving them. I will come back for them. I will not leave them down here to be slaves for these bloodsuckers.

We passed by a couple of vampires on our way to the gate. I made sure to keep my head down not making eye contact with any of them. Once we start to approach the gate I see four guards standing there.

"I thought these dogs were locked away down in the dungeon." One of the guys steps out in front of us. I looked up a little to see the guy face, recognizing him. He was with the group of vampires that captured us in the forest.

"I was told to take them to the northern coven to be dealt with for crimes they committed there." This guy is such a liar. First, he lies to the vampires and betrays us, now he lying to help us.

"I hope they go ahead and kill these dogs already. I don't understand why the royals want to keep some of these dogs as slaves, but hey, who am I to question the royals." He steps aside pressing a button causing the huge silver gates to open letting us pass.

Once we get to the forest Ryan take the collars off our necks. I shift and take off running with Donna and Ryan right beside me. We need to get far away from this vampire coven fast.

We don't stop running until we were sure we were far away from that vampire coven. We make sure to cover our trail so the vampires won't find us once they realize we broke out. I stop and shift back, it's time for Ryan to do some explaining because I'm ready to rip his head off.

"Why did you let them take us?!" Donna says before I even had a chance to.

I let out a growl glaring at him.

"I'm sorry for what I did and said, but I did it to help you guys. I was too weak to help you fight and I knew you guys couldn't take on all of them alone so I lied. I only lied so once I fed I could come free you guys. If I didn't do what I did I would've probably been killed, leaving you with no way out of that dungeon. Donna standing there watching them do that to you and not do anything about it was the hardest thing I ever had to do, but I promise you I will never let anyone hurt you ever again." He walks over standing in front of Donna.

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