Chapter 14

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                        Blake POV

I stand here and watch my son walks away.

Once he's out of sight, I walk over and help Tim up from the ground. I look at Tim to see that his wounds aren't healing. I guess my kid has the ability to attack the inner beast of a person as well. He's strong.

I take Tim into the kitchen and hand him a warm wet rag to clean the blood from his face."It's weird how much he looks like you." Tim looks up at me smiling.

"He just pounds your fucking face in and you're sitting here smiling." I lean up against the countertop folding my arms across my chest.

Tim shrug a little. "He's your son what did you expect to happen." He winces as the wet rag touches his face. "Tammy's alive Blake." Tim looks up at me waiting for me to say something.

"I don't care, you can go if that's what you want." I can't feel the bond anymore. When I watched her die the bond broke. But Now that my beast knows that she's somehow still alive it wants to go find her, but that's not going to happen.

"No, I'm not leaving until we make them all pay for what they di-" The kitchen door open and Tim stops talking when he saw his mate walk in with a frown.

Her frown slowly leaves as she stands there looking at Tim's bloody face.

"What happen to you?" She walks over grabbing the rag out of Tim's hand and start to clean the blood from his face. Tim just sit there staring at her, just a few minutes ago she was fighting and telling him how much she hates him, but now she's cleaning his wounds.

"I-I thought you said you hated me?" Tim's words come out low as he continued to watch her. She pushes the rag against Tim's face causing him to wince in pain.

"I do." She can lie to her self and to Tim all she wants, but the bond they share will never allow her to hate him. And the more time they spend together the stronger their bond will become.

"You just came and took me from my home. You threaten to kill my father, what type of person does that?" She walks over to the sink and squeezes the blood from the rag before wetting it again. She walks back over to Tim and continues to clean the rest of his blood off. "I will have to stitch up a few of your cuts or they will leave scars." She tells him.

"What's your name?" Tim asks looking at her.

"It's Mandy." She says, continuing to clean Tim's face.

"I'm sorry Mandy," Tim say to her.

The mate bond is turning Tim soft already.

I leave out the castle making my way to the forest. After being trapped inside that box for seventy years I need to let my beast out to run.

I shift and run for hours remarking my land, getting rid of the alpha's claim to my land.

I run around for a couple more hours, letting my beast burn some energy to calm down. The beast wants me to go find Tammy, but like I said that's never going to happen. Being lost in my thoughts, I lose track of the time and the sun started to go down. I leave out the forest making my way to the prison to finish what I started before my son interrupted me. Nothing has changed, I'm still going to torture and kill the alphas and their family. They are going to pay for going against me.

Alpha Scott growl out as I walk into the cell with the cell. I grab the silver knife off the wall and push it into his shoulder leaving it there causing him to roar out in pain. Hearing his skin sizzling, I watch as little bubbles of blood come from around the knife blade.

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