One: Back in the Box

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It was dark.

That's the first thing she noticed when she woke up.

Then it was cold. She was damp.

She was moving. Going up in a lift of sorts. A moving metal crate.

She remembered nothing. She had no inkling as to how she got there, or why, or who was responsible. But the whole experience felt familiar. She tried desperately to place it, to find the source of the familiarity.


She yelled out for help, but nobody replied.

Stupid, she thought. Who would hear her over the loud klunking sound of the lift anyway?



The word triggered something. A memory. A concept. She remembered.

The Maze Runner.

She knew it was a book. She knew it was a movie. She knew that the two differed greatly.

But she remembered.

That was it. That was the familiar feeling. She was in the dark, going up in a box with practically no solid memory of anything.

She was Thomas.

Okay, maybe that was taking it a bit far, but the whole thing was just like The Maze Runner.

Only, she remembered The Maze Runner.


She recalled the main events in the book, surprised as she remembered each one. Then she tried to remember what came next.

The Scorch Trials.

The Death Cure.

She remembered what happened in those too, though she wasn't sure if that was entirely a good thing, especially when she looked back on the events of The Death Cure.

She shuddered and tried to stop thinking about The Maze Runner.

That was impossible.

How could one just stop thinking about The Maze Runner when it was all they knew?

Besides, it wasn't like it was far-fetched to make the connection between her current situation and that in the books, right?

Surely the box had to stop soon.

She sighed, quickly succumbed to boredom and tried to figure out if she could do the splits or something cool.

After a few attempts, it turns out she couldn't. She'd have to find a talent in another arena.

Eventually the box did stop, and the whole situation seemed more real to her. Where was she now? She couldn't help but expect Gally to hop down into the box any minute now, saying "day one Greenie. Rise and shine."

She kind of hoped for it.

The top of the box did open, and somebody did jump down.

Her heart skipped a beat.

She was looking at.

She saw.

But it couldn't be.

Could it?


It was Newt.

"Omg no way," she whispered so that he couldn't hear her.

Somehow, she knew what he would say next:

"It's a girl!"

She loved that accent.

There were murmurs from the top of the box and she looked up to see many familiar faces, including that of the 30 year old man from the movie who somehow managed to get himself stuck in the Glade (image above, guy with open shirt and brown hair on the left of Gally).

Newt helped her up.

His hands were so warm and...Newty, she thought.

She stood there for a second, at the rim of the box, staring at the group of boys in front of her. A thought struck her.

"Where's Thomas?" She asked.

The boys were silent, confused. Alby looked as if he'd just stumbled across a complete lunatic. She supposed he sort of had.

"What do you mean? Who's Thomas?"

The girl understood what she had to do. She couldn't let these characters- people- know that she knew them already, that she knew their story. She couldn't be the one to tell them; it would screw up the whole plot.

Besides, Alby would probably throw her off the cliff or something. He was always threatening to do that.

Hang on, was this the movie version of the Glade or the book version? She looked around to figure it out.

She spotted it. That random lookout tower they built in the movie when they were somehow incapable of building a ladder. Definitely the movie version then.

"Never mind," she said. "Don't know why I said that."

She supposed she should play along, go with the whole 'where am I?' facade and try to contain herself while standing among her favourite characters.

She wanted to roll her eyes before speaking, but decided against it.

"Where am I?" She asked, cringing on the inside.

Alby smirked a little, obviously glad he could say his special welcoming line.

"Day One, Greenie. Welcome to the Glade."

The girl tried not to smile or show her excitement in any way as Alby proceeded to introduce the others and give her the tour.

This is going to be fun, she thought, as she realised her favourite story was about to unfold in front of her very eyes.

A/N: Please vote/comment if you enjoyed! I'd love to hear your feedback :)

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