Thirty-Three: See Ya Later, Friends and Traitor

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It took forty minutes for someone to find her. She heard him long before he arrived; the snapping of twigs, rustling of leaves, and thudding of branches against his body were a clear indication that somebody was coming.

And then Chuck stepped into the clearing. Trace took a shaky breath and tried to calm herself, but there was no hiding the redness of her cheeks or puffiness around her eyes.

Chuck didn't say anything; he just sat down beside her, hugging his knees to his chest just as Trace did. They sat in silence, dreading the moment they'd have to get up and head to the Homestead or weapons room to prepare for another night of horror and suspense. 

"I don't like it here. This is a pile of klunk," said Chuck, when he was unable to stand the silence any longer. Trace turned to look at him and saw that there were tears in his eyes. "I want to go home."

She stared into the forest once more. The pain in his voice made Trace's heart break. Chuck was so young. At least she was older and actually had an idea of what was going on; she actually had it a lot better than anyone in this place. At least she knew they could do it. That they'd make it out.

Some of them. Not all.

"I don't know why you're back here, Trace. But Newt looked really upset too. Did you guys fight? Not that it's any of my business... or is it something to do with the maps? Thomas said you were trying to figure out a code. Can't you do it? Doesn't it work?" Chuck paused, frowned when Trace didn't reply to any of his questions, and then asked one more:

"Are you okay, Trace?"

This time she looked at him. He looked so young and innocent, his faced so full of pure naivety. Pure concern. He really cared about her.

"Not right now. But I will be, Chuckie Duckie. When we get out of here, like you said."

"Do you think we will? Do you really believe we will get out?" His eyes were full of hope.

"I know we will, Chuck. I know we will."

Chuck smiled at that, and Trace knew she'd do everything to protect that boy, even if it meant risking her own life.

Which, coincidentally, she'd probably be doing tonight.

"C'mon, Chuck. Let's get tucked in. Another big night ahead of us, right?"

"Right," Chuck replied, but his tone was doubtful.

"Hey, Chuck. Don't worry. You'll be fine. Nobody and nothing is going to hurt you tonight. I won't let anything happen to you, alright? I promise. You'll make it through tonight."

"How can you promise that when giant Grievers are coming after us?"

Trace smiled. "Because I'm the one who can stop them, remember?"

"Oh, yeah," replied Chuck. "You're a Griever Deceiver."

"Sure shucking am. Now let's go before the others think I've kidnapped you."

Chuck laughed. "They wouldn't think that!"

"I don't know; girls are evil, Chuckles. If we think you're cute, we're gonna pick you up and run off with you."

He laughed again. "No you wouldn't!"

Trace raised one eyebrow and Chuck suddenly panicked, "No!" he yelled, but Trace had already picked him up around the waist and started running through the forest with him thrown over her shoulder.

"Put me down!" Chuck screamed between giggles.

"Not until we're both safely in the Glade!" she yelled back, struggling not to trip and send them both flying.

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