Nineteen: Alby Spills The Greenbeans

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A/N: Look. At. That. Gif.

To Trace's surprise, once Teresa had been taken to the Homestead, Newt called the Gathering back in order. They all trudged back to the old, damp room- Trace and Thomas included- and sat back down in their seats.

She supposed it made sense; they hadn't even reached a conclusion by the time Teresa had arrived. Everything must have been delayed a little due to Trace and Gally's constant bickering. Oops.

So, with all having been said previously, Newt called for a vote. For actual opinions on what to do with 'Tracemas', as Trace called them mentally.

Of course, Gally was all for capital punishment. Send them to the maze. Trace found that hilarious considering being in the maze was the exact reason she and Thomas were sitting there at that moment.

Winston agreed with Gally; they should be punished. While Frypan and a few of the others voted against it. Minho still stuck with his idea of making them Runners, which Trace wasn't so sure she agreed with; they all knew she sucked at running. She was just good at getting rid of Grievers when she needed to. No biggie.

Eventually, Newt made the decision. Unfortunately, that decision was a book-related one. Sunrise to sunset in the Slammer. The next day, they would be Runners. Officially, this time.

Move over Ivy Trio, Trace thought to herself. The Griever Deceivers are back in business.

As they were about to break the meeting off, Chuck came running in, all sweaty and red in the face.

"What is it?" Newt asked.

"It's Alby. He said he needs to talk to somebody."

"Well, I'll come right over then," Newt stated, already making a move to leave.

"Not you," Chuck said, a little too quickly. "Them."

Trace turned to look behind her as if Chuck might have accidentally pointed at her by mistake. Unfortunately, he wasn't; Alby wanted to see Trace and Thomas.

She was really starting to believe she had importance here.

Why else would her name be Ava?

She shuddered and followed after Chuck and Thomas as they left the room, Newt trailing behind her.

"I'm coming too," he muttered. "Nobody said I couldn't come too."

"You can take my place," Trace said. "I'm not sure I want to see Alby getting changed anyway."

"The Changing. Still The Changing."

They made their way along the hallway and down some stairs to the med-room. Newt had told Chuck to stay behind and find something else to do. The boy was visibly relieved he didn't have to go back into that room, and it left Trace feeling even more apprehensive than before.

They opened the door to reveal Alby's motionless figure on the bed there.

"Is he asleep?" Thomas asked in his typical fashion.

"I don't know," Newt murmured, making his quiet way over to Alby's bedside, taking a seat there. Thomas took a seat on the opposite side.

"Guess I'll just sit on Alby then," Trace grumbled. "Whatever happened to ladies first? And I have a sore hip!"

They both ignored her and, for a moment, she seriously considered sitting on Alby. Thinking the better of it, she perched at the end of his bed.

"Alby," Newt whispered, leaning down to his friend's ear. "Chuck said you wanted to talk to Thomas and Trace."

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