Two: Flat Trans? Fat Chance

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"So you can't remember anythin'? Nothin' at all?"


Alby had been interrogating her for a while now, and his demeanor led the girl to believe he was more like Book Alby than Movie Alby. Movie Alby wasn't nearly as bossy or rude. He definitely looked like Movie Alby, though; there was no mistaking Aml Ameen's beautiful face. She sniggered to herself, remembering Movie Alby's little 'let me show you the world' moment with Thomas.

"What's so funny? Ya know somethin' I don't? Listen, shank, I'll tell ya right now, if you're hidin' anythin' from us, I'll throw ya right off the cliff now, ya hear?"

The girl nodded, trying to maintain her composure. This was just so weird. She wanted to pass this whole thing off as a very vivid dream, but it was all too real. She could feel the grass beneath her, smell the not-so-fresh air, and hear Alby's voice. He was speaking to her.

"Can ya remember ya name at all?"

The girl hesitated. Now this was an opportunity to really change things up. Confuse everybody later on. She could say her name was Thomas or Teresa, or Ava Paige. She could call herself WICKED, or Dr Janson. She could even say her name was Mrs Minho.

Or James Dashner.

No. No, that was too weird. Plus, she wasn't nearly as cruel as James Dashner. Nor was she nearly as creative.

No. She couldn't remember her own name, so that was what she'd tell Alby. She just couldn't remember.

"My name is Flat Trans."


"Flat Trans."

Why did she say that?! Why?! That didn't even make sense. It wasn't even clever. Unless she was being incredibly metaphorical and believed she was some kind of link between two places which-

Wow. That was actually quite accurate.

"Flat Trans? Your name is Flat Trans?"

"Um, yeah. But you can call me Trace."

Nice cover. Real nice.


Trace had never seen that expression on Alby's face before. He looked completely baffled, and was probably worried for her sanity. Fair enough.

"Well I'll get Chuck to show you around. He was the last Greenie before you. In fact, there he is now- Chuck!"

Alby yelled out across the Glade, and Chuck turned his head to look.

Chuck was here. That meant Thomas couldn't be far away.

Unless she'd replaced him.

Oh God, she hadn't replaced him, had she? That was the best part! Nothing would've happened if Thomas didn't arrive.

Okay, well perhaps Teresa did do some stuff, but she was hardly the protagonist of the story.

She couldn't have replaced Thomas. That meant no Dylan O'Brien.

And no Dylan O'Brien meant no oxygen. Everything would die.

She really, really hoped she hadn't replaced him. Besides, this was her only chance to actually meet the guy.

Trace was deep in thought when Chuck made it over to her and held his hand out to shake hers. When she didn't respond, he grabbed it and shook it himself.

"Hi there, I'm Chuck."

It shook her out of her stupor, and for the first time, Trace really looked at Chuck.

Then she started crying. Silent, slow tracks of tears began gliding down her cheeks.

"Woah, what's wrong with the Greenie?"

"Don't pretend you weren't ten times worse than that, Chuckie."

Their conversation just made her cry harder. Alby backed away, probably to inform the others that the new Greenie had already lost her mind. Trace pulled Chuck into her arms and gave him a big cuddle, his curly hair tickling her face. Chuck just looked incredibly disturbed.

"I'll protect you," she whispered.

"Okay! That's enough! I'm- I'm going to go get us some lunch. You wait here. P-Please. Don't move. D-Don't follow me. Stay here."

The fangirl took the opportunity to go check out the maze. She made it to the doors when Chuck came running up behind her.

"You can't go in there!" he yelled.

"Oh, I know!" she yelled back.

She caught Newt's eye as he made his way across the Glade towards her, and she couldn't stop staring.

"Why are you staring at him?" Chuck asked.

Trace scoffed. "Have you seen him? I'm pretty sure he was crafted out of marble by an ancient sculptor. He should probably be displayed in a museum somewhere."

"It's just Newt."

"Just Newt?! Chuck, are you serious? Look at him! Have you actually seen him? Ever?!"

"Have you seen yourself?"

The voice came from behind her, and she turned to find Minho and Ben had made their way in from the maze. It was Ben who'd spoken.

Trace blushed, but tried not to let herself get too attached to Ben. After all, the Benishment was imminent.

A dog came running up to the group, panting and wagging its tail.

"Bark!" Trace yelled out, opening her arms to the dog.

"How do you- did you already get introduced to him? How did you know his name was Bark?" Chuck asked.

The girl stopped patting him and stood up suddenly, realising her mistake.

"I- I didn't- I didn't know. I just...I was...I was telling him what to do- that's all!"

Great one. Absolutely genius. They literally think you told a dog to bark now.

"Okay...well Frypan's got the food ready, so we should probably go eat," Chuck replied, looking very uneasy.

"Great. Yup. Food. Cool. Let's go."

Trace wanted to slap herself in the face for the way she was acting. This whole thing was going to be a lot harder than she'd initially planned.

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