Eighteen: The Maze Rapper

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A/N: GUYS GUYS GUYS THIS MORNING DEXTER DARDEN DID A LIVESTREAM ON INSTAGRAM AND READ OUT NOT ONE, NOT TWO, BUT THREE OF MY COMMENTS. Then my boss decided some of the icecream at work wasn't good enough to sell and gave me a whole litre to take home with me. Best day ever.

Dexter Darden literally said "I didn't mean to upset you" to me. (He was talking about how people said he was such a good hugger and I said 'don't upset me with your hug talk because I'll probably never get to meet you and get one'.

He also read out one of mine which was 'somebody in the comments just called it Death Fur'.

The last one was me saying his mum should be in TDC, which he just laughed at.

I win. 249 points to me.

The next few moments were a blur; Gally shot a glare at both Trace and Thomas which indicated that he thought they had something to do with the box arriving. He was right about Thomas, Trace supposed. Probably right about her too. Trace was last to exit the Homestead, and tripped on the doorframe on the way out, before regaining her balance and looking around the make sure nobody saw. Unfortunately, Thomas and Minho had stayed behind to wait for her and had witnessed the small incident, which prompted an eye roll from Minho and a quiet sigh from Thomas.

They jogged over to the box together, and Thomas and Trace managed to squeeze to the front. Trace was panicking internally; she wasn't ready for Teresa. Then again, she supposed nobody was really ready for her. If anything, Trace was the most prepared.

That didn't stop her from dreading the arrival of the box.

Now she'd have to share the boys. Trace did not like sharing. Not when it came to Nut, Mint-Fro, Tomato, and even Captain Scallywag.

Trace knew it would be half an hour until the box arrived, and the others had fallen into a silent stupor, unable to understand why the box would be coming up now. It was a long moment of tension.

Trace wanted to break it.

"How about we sing a song to pass the time?"

"Okay," replied Gally, much to her surprise. "You start us off."

Newt shot a warning glare in Gally's direction, and Trace was immediately suspicious. Still, she wanted to sing a song.

So she tried to think of a good one. Of a good song.

After a few moments pondering this, a terrible thought struck her.

"I don't know any songs," she realised aloud.

"Great job, genius," Gally mocked her. "None of us do."

Trace couldn't believe it. She couldn't think of one song. Not one.

Still, she had to get the better of Gally. She had to prove him wrong somehow.

"That's okay," she said. "I'll just make one up."

A few groans sounded out, including a very loud one from Captain Scallywag himself. Trace didn't let it phase her as she began her masterpiece, which had begun as more of a rap than a song.

"Welcome to the Glade, new Greenie

Ignore Gally's pink bikini

Don't try hanging out with Minho

When he runs he goes in slow-mo

Tommy's really good to talk to

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