Twenty-Nine: Supergreenies Saving the Day

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A/N: Just kidding, here's an update. But I'm leaving for the airport in three hours so definitely no updates from now on. Enjoy!

For a while, nothing happened. They waited in silence, as if any sudden noise might bring the Grievers straight to them. Trace knew they'd come anyway. She knew there'd be a fight tonight, whether they wanted it or not.

Minho and Thomas had found chairs, and Alby had moved to join Newt on the bed, but Trace stayed on the floor, where she'd begun counting the grooves in the plank beside her.

"Closest I've come so far," said Newt, breaking the silence, "to hanging it all up. Giving up and kissing the Grievers goodnight." Trace knew that was a lie. This wasn't the closest he'd come. "But we can't give up. We've gotta keep fighting. Push on. Fight 'til we're either dead or not dead."

Trace nodded and she saw Thomas do the same.

"Gonna pitch in, Alby?" Newt asked.

Alby sighed. "Yeah...well...of course. It's've seen what happens at night. Just because these new 'supergreenies' can do it doesn't mean the rest of us can."

Trace frowned. She hated this 'no can do' attitude of Alby's. It really put a damper on the situation.

"I'm with Newt and the Greenies," Minho agreed.

Another excellent band name, Trace thought to herself.

"We can't just sit here on our shuck butts waiting to die. We have to fight back as best we can. Tomorrow morning, you can assign people to study the maps full-time. Then the runners can go out into the maze. We'll pack enough to last us a few days at least."

"A few days?" Alby asked, coming to life a little more. "What do you mean?"

Minho shrugged. "Walls aren't closing. Won't make much of a difference if it's day or night out there anyway. Maybe we'll get lucky this time."

"No way," Alby objected. "We've got places to hide here. We've got the Homestead, and failing that, we have the map-room and the Slammer. You can't just ask people to go out and die, Minho. Who would volunteer for that?"

"Me," was his reply. "Thomas. Trace."

Alby and Newt looked between the two Greenies, awaiting their responses. Trace and Thomas both nodded; of course they'd do it. They were the Griever Deceivers after all.

Once Newt saw Trace agree, he spoke up. "I'll do it if I have to," he said.

Alby barked out a laugh. "You? With your bum leg and all?"

That was it. Trace stood up and stared Alby down. "Listen here, you miserable shank. We're all trying to do something. We're giving ourselves a chance at this instead of sitting around moping until those Grievers come to eat us up. So how about, instead of shutting down every idea we have, you just work with us until we can come up with something better. Got it?"

Alby looked at her for a second, then sighed and placed his head in his hands. After a moment or two, he sat up straight again, looking at them all in turn. "Sorry. You guys know I'm screwed up. I can't think straight anymore. I'm thinking....I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't be the leader anymore."

"Oh, bloody-"

"No!" Alby yelled, making Trace jump a little. "That's not what I meant. We don't need to switch or whatever. I'll just sit back and let you shanks make the decisions from now on. At least until I can think for myself again."

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