Four: To Run or Not to Run?

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A/N: I updated! Yay! If you want to see/hear New Zealand's fourth most popular guitar-based digi-bongo acapella-rap-funk-comedy folk duo, then watch the video. Try to work out where it fits in with the chapter XD

"Can I be a Runner?"


"But Thomas gets to be a Runner..."

"Who the hell is Thomas? Leave me alone!"

Trace had been at this for a while now, using all of her persuasive technique to get Minho to make her a Runner.

"Please, Minho. I just want to see the map-room!"

"Okay, now you're definitely not going to be a Runner."

"Please! I just- is it a physical map? Did you make it out of sticks? Or is it all on paper? I need to know! The suspense is killing me!"

"You're insane, you know that? Completely insane. Leave me alone, you slinthead."

She huffed. She'd have to pull out the big guns now.

"I know about the Griever slime."

Minho stopped in his tracks and leaned right in, his face mere millimetres from hers. Trace tried not to cry.

"What did you say?"

"The Griever slime. I know it's the secret behind your hair. I know it's not naturally perfect. The gig's up."

Minho was flustered, which was an emotion Trace didn't ever foresee him being capable of.

"I- what- how did you find that out? Only Ben knows about that!"

"Not anymore. I have my ways."

Trace decided to try and act in the same dramatic way movie and book characters always seemed to. She tried to see if she could actually blackmail someone successfully.

And in style.

"Well, I guess I'll just go spread the word around now. Let the others know not to marvel at your hair anymore. Get the other Runners to bring some back to share. See ya!"

She turned to strut off towards the Homestead, when Minho stopped her, placing his hand on her shoulder and rolling his eyes.

Just. Like. The. Movie, Trace's inner voice screamed. She kept her cool.

"What do you want?" Minho mumbled.

Trace smirked, "I want to be a Runner. Starting tomorrow."

"Trace, I can't just make you a Runner overnight."

"I'm guessing you can't just make everyone forget the magical powers of Griever slime once I tell them, either."

"I could try."

Trace raised one eyebrow, hoping she didn't look like an idiot while doing so. This exchange had to be seamless.

"Fine. I'll talk to Alby. We'll have a Gathering. Happy? Anything else you want, your royal highness?"

"Could you please remove page 250?"



Trace shuffled off, hoping to spend more time with Newt while she still could. She stopped in her tracks.

That was dark.

Correction: she wanted to spend more time with Newt because he was a literal angel sent from the heavens to bless this earth with his presence and magically soothing voice.

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