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Taking a young man, barely out of his childhood, home with him wasn't what Jade had planned for his evening as he got A.J. situated in the front seat of his car. He could tell that the guy was nervous as he buckled him in. Well, nervous would be putting it lightly, but Jade wasn't one to dwell on other people's emotions. He did what he did and if they didn't like it, they could leave. He wouldn't hold A.J. against his will, nor was he forcing the young man to come home with him. 

As he got himself situated and got them headed toward his house through the light rain, he thought about telling A.J. to not mess with the window, radio, or any other general electronic device in the car, but with a good deal of effort, Jade bit his tongue. The guy clearly wasn't going to mess with things, considering he was just twisting his hands into knots in his lap as his eyes remained fixed on something out the window that was likely nonexistent. 

Being used to subs that knew exactly what they wanted, be it his money or his dominance, Jade was already feeling slightly bothered by the guy. He wouldn't ever consider himself nervous, as he couldn't remember a time in his life where he really had been, but A.J. was definitely not the type of submissive he normally saw at the clubs. Ever. 

He definitely was a sub, though. What kind, he had not a single clue. All of them like attention... but does he like pain or dominance more? Jade wondered as he focused on the road. He normally never even glanced away from it when he was driving, but... Those darn hands. 

Without looking, Jade reached over and slid his hand along A.J.'s arm until it grasped A.J.'s left one, effectively forcing him to stop fidgeting with the other. He felt the guy tense at the gesture for a moment, but then his right fingers wrapped gently around Jade's wrist. He hadn't given the guy permission to touch him, but since the rules weren't established yet, he forced himself to keep from correcting the action. 

When he pulled his car into his garage and turned it off a few minutes later, leaving them in the dim glow provided by the dying overhead light he had forgotten to change, Jade took a deep, calming breath, then slid out of the car. He was glad to see A.J. didn't move as he made his way around to the young man's side. He waited an extra few seconds before opening the door and leaning in. 

A.J. remained perfectly still as Jade undid his seatbelt, but he could tell that something was starting to bother the young man. As he'd expect with most people, Jade figured that it was just the sudden close proximity, and doing something for him that he could easily do himself. However, when Jade leaned back to allow A.J. to step out of the car, the guy just stared up at him through his too-long, dark red bangs. Jade reached down and gently brushed aside A.J.'s bangs, then let his fingers continue to move against his soft skin until he ended up cupping the young man's cheek. 

Immediately, A.J. tilted his head into the touch and his eyelids fluttered downward slightly as a sigh left his lips. Ah. Right. Remembering how the young man had reacted to Domino's love, made Jade's lips lift with the hint of a smile. 

"Come, A.J.," he said as he slowly moved his hands. One slipped behind A.J.'s back, while the other slid beneath the bend of his knees. With little effort, Jade had him in his arms. 

Too light. 

As he turned and nudged the door closed with his hip, Jade was already thinking about a diet plan he would get A.J. onto as soon as possible. He actually set A.J. on the counter and grabbed a small notepad and pen when they entered the kitchen, and began writing. Most of what populated the list after a few minutes were vegetables, proteins, and a lot of different vitamins. 

"Master Jade." 

Hearing his house keeper's tired greeting had Jade straightening, then facing the older woman. She was in her sixties, but she kept herself well and could have easily passed for early fifties. 

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