Given Up

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(Tommy and Christopher will be in this one, too, just gimme a few chapters to set stuff up and get a feel for the new peoples. And want a certain scene or thing to happen? Talk about it. I read the comments. It could happen, but I make no promises! o_o Feels warning.)


Waking up in a bed that wasn't full of lumps, without a terrible ache in his back, was a surprise. Actually, waking up in general, was a surprise. Warmth encircled his tired body as he fought to open his eyes. When the lids finally lifted, he was met with a dimly-lit room that smelled like... Honeysuckle? He couldn't quite be sure, but it did smell similar to those flowers that used to bloom on the bushes outside of his high school. 

Remembering high school made A.J.'s stomach churn with unease. The classes themselves weren't bad at all, but that was when his life had taken a turn for the worst. 

His attention was stolen from his thoughts as he felt something warm travel up his belly to come to a rest against where his heart was picking up speed. 

"You're safe here, A.J." 

Hearing Jade's deep voice put everything into perspective quickly. A.J. remembered agreeing to come home with him. The idea that he had accepted the offer so easily was almost unsettling, but when he thought about it, it made more sense than to stay where he was. It was clear that something was going on with the red-headed man. Jana. He knew Jana didn't like him. That much was obvious, but at the same time, he didn't push him away, either. 

Wren almost acted like a big brother, even though he was younger than me. 

Memories of his own brother twisted his stomach, forcing A.J. to stifle a gag as a shiver ran down his spine. Without a word, Jade started rubbing one strong hand along A.J.'s back. Taking several deep breaths, A.J. managed to keep himself from breaking down. Even after his brother ignored his parent's attacks on him, he still valued him, because he never took part in the vicious words. He had even sneaked A.J. food after their parents had greatly cut back what he could have. That had been the last few acts of kindness he'd gotten, however. When his brother was caught, he was punished badly enough to never even try such a thing again. 

"Out of bed." 

The order registered, and immediately, A.J. was standing by the edge of the bed. His legs ached and his heart was still beating too quickly, but he couldn't deny the man's words. It was ingrained in him to obey what he was told to do. 

Don't meet their eyes. Don't talk back. Don't smile. Don't---His jaw was grasped gently, then tilted up until he was forced to meet Jade's eyes in the dim room. His stress levels jumped at the contact, but A.J. didn't fight the man. If he wanted him to look up, then he would. 

"I normally prefer those staying with me to keep their eyes on the floor unless spoken to directly, but..." 

When Jade didn't continue to speak, A.J. swallowed, feeling the action move his throat against the man's strong fingers. The action seemed to help make Jade's decision, as he continued speaking. 

"Actually, do as you have been. When we're out, though, I want you to be aware of your surroundings and keep your attention focused on me. If I gesture for you to do something, I expect it to be done. Am I being clear?" 

A.J. began to nod, but Jade had his chin firmly tilted up, preventing the action. "Yes, sir." He hurried to say. 

"Good boy." 

The simple praise made A.J.'s breath catch as he took a hesitant step closer to the man now standing in from of him. Without thinking, he lifted his hands and pressed them, grasped together, to his own bare chest. He knew that the gesture looked pleading, and by all means, he would beg to hear the simple praise again. 

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