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For some reason, doing his normal routine didn't feel quite as fulfilling as usual. He liked his day in and day out practices. Had them down to a T. Waking up, shower, breakfast, work. Everything at his office was set up perfectly. People didn't bother him unnecessarily. He got things done and he did them well. He ran a very tight ship, but that's why he was paid so much. Jade was a leader, not a follower. 

So then why do I feel like leaving early and following Jake straight to his job. 

He paused after the thought for a moment, then leaned back in his office chair and ran his hand down his face. 

That didn't sound like a stalker at all. He noted in sarcasm. 

"Sir, are you ready for your next meeting?" Came his assistant's voice. 

He wasn't that high up in the company, but he was doing well enough to be getting meetings and important projects. Leaning forward, he reached over and pressed the button on the microphone device. "Actually, could you redirect that to Scott, I have something I need to tend to. If that wouldn't be an issue for him, of course." 

They were both on the same project, so he hoped that he would take it. After two minutes of sitting in tense silence, the speaker on his desk flashed red and his assistants voice came through. 

"Sir, Scott has agreed to take the meeting. He said he will send you an overview email and that you can give him a call later if you have any questions about it." 

Grinning, Jade turned on his microphone and thanked her, then hurried to clean up his work area and get his things together. Once he was ready, he clocked out, noting that the time was a quarter till eight. He would normally stay till around ten on his later days, but he just couldn't stop himself. 

Just check on him, then go home and get some sleep. You've been staying up too late these past few days. 

He nodded at his thoughts as he made his way to his car. Before heading toward onto the road, he sent a quick text to Adam explaining that he was just going to check on Jake at his new job, then head home. He got a response before he'd even pulled out of his park space. 

Alright. I'm picking him up in an hour and a half.

Frowning at the message, Jade replied with a simple Okaythen tucked his phone back into his pocket. He read what wasn't said loud and clear. Don't pick Jake up. 

Grumbling under his breath, Jade drove over to the bowling alley and parked, taking a few moments to remove his suit-jacket and muss up his hair a little. He didn't want to look like he worked for some big company, but there really was no hiding the nice clothing and styled hair, even if he tried to mess it up. 

Giving up on his hair, Jade stepped out of his car and awkwardly walked inside of the bowling alley. He hadn't been to one in years. Probably close to ten, to be exact. It was quite dim inside and the faint smell of sweat made his nose wrinkle. The loud music that was pumping over his head didn't do any favors for his ears, but he did his best to ignore the horrible sounds coming from the speakers as he scanned the rows upon rows of bowling lanes. 

He began walking toward the further lanes as he continued to look about. He could feel eyes on him every few moments, but he dismissed them as curious teenagers. There were certainly enough of them present. Almost all of the lanes were busy and it seemed like while the music was uncomfortably loud, the kids were even more-so.

I don't regret not coming here anymore. He thought in frustration as he pushed through a group of kids that were too busy texting to watch where they were going. If you go to a damn place with your friends, get your head out of your phones and hang out with your friends. 

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