Look Up, Not Yet

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Hell on Earth couldn't keep Christopher from driving him insane. Tommy had no doubt that the man had a little planner somewhere that helped him configure just how to terrorize him each day. He had finally returned to work, but not even that gave him a reprieve. Being healthy enough to move around in his wheelchair, but not to remain by himself for long periods of time, had Tommy stuck with Christopher all day in the medical clinic at the jail. 

With a quiet sigh, he got himself a bit more comfortable in his wheelchair, which he refused to vacate when Christopher told him to lay down on the cot, and began sifting his fingers through Skipper's fur. The pup had been asleep in his lap for nearly an hour while he read from Chris's kindle, but after having finished the book, he felt a bit restless. 

"Will you stop shifting about and just lay down? I know you're still tired, and you really need to get more sleep than you did last night." 

Tommy had actually slept quite well the previous night, but no matter how many times he'd told Christopher that, the man just didn't listen. Everything with him was suddenly you need more sleep or go at least lay down and read. He could understand that Christopher was getting annoyed with him always being around, but to be honest, he wasn't exactly the best host, either. 

Silence took over them for a small amount of time before Chris leaned back in his desk chair and yawned. "Hey Chris, can I keep Skipper?" Tommy asked cautiously. He knew what the answer was likely going to be. The dog did belong to the man until he gave it to the Humane Society, anyways, so he could easily just say no. 

"No. You can't take care of yourself right now. You sure as hell don't need him weighing you down any worse than you are already hindering me." 


 Looking down at the dog in his lap, Tommy couldn't help but smile anyway. The pup had awoken at the sound of its master's voice, and it was eagerly watching Christopher, little tail wagging every few moments in the hopes that it might garner him some attention. 

"Sorry little guy, your master's the most grumpy person in the world. It's hard to please him by just being adorable and well-behaved, believe me, I've tried." Tommy comforted the dog, drawing its attention for only a moment before it looked back toward Chris's glare. 

"Very funny." He grumbled as he got up, fetching a third cup of coffee from the small machine struggling to survive in the corner of the room. Instead of returning to his chair, however, he stopped by his desk and turned to face him. 

"We're going to be leaving early, I need to finish enrolling Jana in his first online classes, but I want to be with him when it processes so I can show him the basics. I doubt he's spent much time at a computer in prison." 

The idea of Jana sitting at a computer was pretty humorous to Tommy. No, he couldn't think of a time where Jana was interested in a computer. Even when he studied chemistry before getting out of prison, he didn't care much for computers. 

"That's probably a good idea. I'm sure he'll catch on quickly." Tommy said as he began wheeling his chair toward the door. He was about to let himself out, assuming that Christopher wouldn't be too far behind, but when he heard the ringtone to the man's phone, he rolled his eyes and turned back around to face him as he answered the device that seemed to ring even more when he was actually at work. 

Lifting Skipper up to his chest for a hug and snuggle, he listened in to Christopher's side of the conversation out of curiosity. It was apparent rather quickly, that Domino was the one he was speaking with. Chris seemed to have a different way of speaking to everyone he knew, though. There was no monotone with him. Every single person got a different version of him, yet none seemed fake. 

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