And Back

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Getting back to Christopher's after the meeting was a bit of a pain, literally. Tommy wasn't sure why his chest was hurting so much more recently, but he steeled his nerves when went inside the doorway so that he didn't look like he was in pain. He wasn't too surprised to see that Christopher wasn't home, though. 

Duh, his car wasn't even here when you got out of the taxi. 

Running a hand through his hair, Tommy sighed, then wheeled himself into the kitchen. He wanted to make dinner, or at least a few peanut butter and banana sandwiches for when Chris got home, but he couldn't even find the energy to fight the pain that flared up when he simply tried to open the refrigerator. 

Groaning, he leaned back in his chair, body sagging with defeat. "Well, you can't make a simple sandwich anymore. Chris is going to kill me... if my injury doesn't first." 

As if his voice had summoned the man, the sound of the door handle being turned echoed in the silent house. Tommy felt his heart ache. He could try to hide his pain from Christopher, but to what end? He didn't want the man to worry, but surely letting himself die because of a situation that could have been cured causes much more than worry. 

Turning his wheelchair toward the kitchen entrance, Tommy counted Christopher's three remaining steps before he saw the man appear in the doorway. He looked drained, but when his eyes fell on Tommy, they narrowed. 

"You look like absolute shit. We're going to the hospital now." 

Well, that went just as I'd planned. 

Christopher stalked over to him and grabbed the handles of his wheelchair. "We're going right now. Don't argue." 

Tommy grabbed the wheel bars of his chair to try and stop Chris from moving it but the man was determined. "It really can wait until tomorrow. I don't feel that terrible." 

"Oh? Not that terrible?" Christopher repeated, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he continued to walk. 

Wincing, Tommy pursed his lips and bit back another response. He didn't want to go to the hospital yet but there wasn't much he could do. If he somehow managed to stop Christopher from taking him, the man would more than likely just call the ambulance himself. 

Why did I have to fall in love with a doctor? Why couldn't he be a pet groomer or something? 

Tommy paused in his thoughts, mouth dropping open slightly. 

You might love him, but he doesn't love you, I think.

"Tommy? Answer me, now." 

Blinking back darkness that had crept into the edges of his vision, Tommy leaned his head back on the headrest of the passenger's seat and felt his heart sink in his chest. I blacked out? He could see Christopher's hand blur to his left, then felt it smack him on top of his head. He expected it to hurt, at least enough to make him focus better, but he honestly had barely felt it. 

"Dammit." Christopher growled. His voice sounded muffled and Tommy had to focus on the word just to be able to understand it. 

As he zoned in and out of awareness, Tommy could hear Chris talking, though it didn't seem like it was to him. The conversation mentioned him doing some tests or if needed, surgery, but Tommy couldn't piece together much more of what he could only assume was a phone call. 

When they actually got to the hospital, he didn't know. He could feel himself being poked by needles in two or three places, then something cold pressed against his chest and forehead. Everything was far too muffled to be able to hear and his eyelids felt like they were made of cement. 

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