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(My laptop is struggling x.x I tried to write/edit what I could.)


"Master, we're going to be late!" 

It had been two weeks since their little tryst in the tub and Tommy was finally clear to start walking again. He had one of those fancy canes with three prongs at the base, allowing him to rest his weight if needed. In all honesty, he only used the annoying contraption because Christopher had gotten it for him and requested that he at least bring it with him for a few weeks. 

He waited at the open door for nearly five minutes before Chris stumbled into the room, hopping on one foot as he pulled on his boot. He takes quite a while to get ready for the club. Tommy thought as he walked over and knelt down before Christopher could, carefully tying his boot strings with a small grin on his face. 

Christopher looked absolutely delicious in his dark black tank top, black leather vest, and black jeans. Around his neck was a small corded choker, but Tommy liked to think that it could possibly be a collar. He'd never dare try put one on the man, or risk being castrated, but he definitely loved imagining that's what it was. 

"What are you looking at? Did I miss a spot shaving?" Chris asks, bringing a full-on smile to Tommy's face as he got back to his feet. 

"No, sir. You look very handsome." 

Tilting his head, Christopher licked his lips, immediately drawing Tommy's attention to them. He hadn't gotten nearly as many kisses as he'd wanted the last two weeks with Christopher working overtime and himself setting up his new work schedule. 

"May I kiss you, please?" Tommy asked, already tilting his head and leaning forward a little. 

When Christopher stepped around him suddenly, Tommy straightened, blinking as he turned. "Behave tonight, Tommy." Chris said, patting his head before turning and walking out the door. 

Confused, Tommy shut his open mouth and hurried to lock up with the spare set of keys he'd been given, then followed Christopher to the car. Once he was inside, Christopher pulled out into traffic, barely waiting for Tommy to get his seatbelt on. 

"Is something bothering you?" He asked as he looked over at Chris, a frown slipping onto his face. They'd planned to go out to the club once he'd felt strong enough, but this wasn't how he thought his night would start... and he hoped it wasn't how it was going to be throughout. 

"No." Came Chris's reply, several minutes after the question had actually been asked. 

Something's definitely bothering him. 

Tommy couldn't figure out what it could be, though. If it had been all of the overtime work, he would be fast asleep instead of going out with him to the club. If he wasn't feeling well, it would likely be the same scenario. Deciding not to dwell on it and ruin both their nights by poking at him for answers, Tommy just gave a simple nod and sat back, enjoying the quiet ride. 

When they finally parked outside the club, Christopher seemed to be in a slightly better mood. Slightly, but not by much. Tommy slid from the car first when Christopher didn't budge. He knew the bouncer well, and waved as he walked up in his own outfit of dark blue jeans and a red sweater. He had on some lengths of leather beneath it, but that wasn't something he intended to show while walking out in public. 

"Welcome back, Tommy. Haven't seen you in a while." Jackson said, removing the rope from in front of the doorway to let him in. 

"I've been a bit laid-up. Thankfully, I'm back and feeling better than ever." He said, offering the man a smile as he started to walk inside. 

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