Second Try

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It would take hell and high water to keep Jade from being early for the meeting Tommy had texted him about. Granted, it was raining hard enough that he could barely see out of his windshield and the wind was just as terrible, but he wouldn't be deterred. 

Jade managed to get within a block of the apartment before he knew that his car wouldn't be able to make it any further safely. There were too many dips in the road that could get his wheels stuck. On foot, then. 

He looked out at the sidewalk and sighed with relief. It was flooded, but not nearly bad enough to prevent him from using it. After U-turning and moving his car a bit higher up the small hill, he parked it with the emergency break on, just in case, then reached into the backseat for his umbrella. 

Of course I forgot to put it back in my car. 

He'd used it a few days ago, but his mind just hadn't been on the ball lately. Wonder whose fault that is. He knew that it was his own, but he couldn't stop himself. For some reason beyond his surprisingly strict control, Jake has wiggled his way into his thoughts and refused to leave. 

Shaking his head, he slid out of his expensive jacket and undid the buttons on his shirt. Folding both items on the passenger's side seat, Jade looked down at his nice work pants and shoes. They wouldn't technically be ruined... but the shoes would definitely take days to dry and the pants would have to likely be sent out.

A glance toward the car's dashboard clock told him that he was running low on decision time. Blowing out a frustrated breath, he checked for oncoming traffic, then shoved open his door and began to run. He had hoped to arrive early, dressed well, and ready to handle any situation necessary. Instead, Jade ended up banging on the door about five minutes later, completely soaked to the bone, and half dressed with a short mop of dripping hair. 

Needless to say, he wasn't surprised in the least when Domino opened the door and began laughing his ass off at him right then and there. Sparing the man a sharp glare, he shoved past him and headed straight for the shower. While he was warming up, he heard the door open and close, but when no one said anything, he glanced out of the shower to see that Domino had left him a change of clothes. 

Gratefully, he finished up his shower and dried off. Jade then slipped into the pair of black sweatpants, but ignored the shirt for the moment. He'd gotten plenty hot enough under the scalding water and just decided to sling the it over his shoulder to put on once he cooled off in a few minutes. 

Jana was sitting on the sofa when he walked into the living room. The man was visibly relaxed, but Jade could see his muscles tensing every few moments just enough to be noticeable to those who knew what to look for. He's nervous. Jade didn't blame him. He had mental issues that were hard for him to control during certain situations. One of said situations was being around a man he hadn't even known was alive. His brother. 

He had an inkling in his mind to offer the man some sort of comfort, but Jana was someone he would not get involved with personally. He didn't like aggressive subs, and quite frankly, even if he wasn't unintentionally crushing on the man's younger brother, he wouldn't go for him. Jana wouldn't accept rules, and even if he did, Jade couldn't tell if the guy was a dominant or submissive. He sure as hell could handle Domino, and he didn't doubt that he was the top in most, if not all, of the two's sexual interactions, but he still couldn't tell. 

The man on the outside is definitely dominant, but it almost feels like I'm looking at someone more vulnerable than Jake when I meet his eyes. 

There was a soft knock on the door before Jade had even found a place to sit. He looked toward it as Domino came out of his bedroom. They both knew who it was likely to be. It was a bit surprising, however, when Domino opened the door to reveal just Tommy and Jake. 

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