Part 46

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Ruthless Obsession

Lathika's place
Time : 12.30 pm

"Lathika...!!  Have u packed ur stuff...??!!
......ur flight is in 4 hours..., and Prataap had keenly asked me to look into this and make sure that u reach ur family safely... here is ur tickets and other details which can help you while boarding....  "
.......Raghunandhan  took out a cover and  placed it on the table there and looked at her who just offered him a glass of water...

" Uncle...!!  I know that u want me  in safe hands...!!
But i have to tell you something important..
All this while.., i was soo lost in the situations that i couldn't tell this to you...
(Lathika lowered her face and continued)

My sister.., is married to a person.., in a very reputed family  and they  will have to face problems in the society if  i stay vth them..
My Aunt.., had very politely made me understand the situations  long back...!!
I can't even think of being vth my family even i wish to...!!

(She then  looked up and smiled at him)

But that's the least thing i bother about now...!!

I have seen the best phase of life and had experienced almost every  fantacy a girl wishes for...., being vth Nivaan in just 2weeks..!!

I really had no regrets in lyf and I'm happy.., that Nivaan  is blessed vth such caring people around him to look after him... "
.........lathika  smiled again  and placed the cover infront of him..

All this while..., Raghunandhan observed her eyes and felt the pain in them.., she is trying to hide from him..

After few seconds.., he said..,

" Wipe ur tears lathika...!!"
........ and to which Lathika touched her cheeks and realised that she had been crying till then..

" I...I'm  nt crying...!!  They are just...(%#$) "
......her words were cut short by him and he said..,

"Forget abt Prataap..!!
From now onwards.., you are my responsibility and i will nt let you face any hardships...!!"
........raghunandhan got up from the couch and touched her head  showing his fatherly care..., as Lathika was just lyk his daughter for him.., and  the only similarity between them is that
Sheetal and lathika are still wandering souls to find a hope and commitment in their lyf...


Nivaan did his best in  debating  and making his point clear to the delegates over there..., in  the meeting..., that they had agreed to invest in Sinha groups other profiles...

Wrapping the meeting..., he stood up from his seat at  kept his coat button as it's a formal gesture...,  before announcing any important news...

" So.., Gentlemen...!! I think you have  gone the documents carefully....!!
N Being the only legal heir of Sinha group..., i need to  learn abt all other profiles...!!
N for this reason..., I'm going to New York.., to start my research .., on other fields of our group...!!
I really had a great time knowing people lyk you..., and it had helped a lot in improving my ground level basic about this publication field...!! "

.............Nivaan  finished his  formal announcement..,  vth a smile on his face..., bt still kept his shades on..., as to cover his swollen eyes..
The meeting finally came to an end.., after   signing the documents by agreeing their terms and they  left the place.., wishing Nivaan a  prosperous business career  whole heartedly..


Nivaan then reached his cabin and  started to pack his pills and other essential documents   as it was his last day.., in Himachal.., according to him..

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