Part 51

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Ruthless Obsession

"This is what I'm left vth now...!!
.....Memories...!!! Precious Memories...!!
This state..., had given me everything i could ever imagine...!!"
.......Lathika started packing her stuff and looked around to check whether she missed any...

"He deserves all the happiness...!!
Bt I'm no more part of his life..!!
My presence can only make him hurt...!!"
........She zipped her suitcase wiping her uncontrollable tears.., and looked at herself in the full size mirror infront of her...

Lathika tried her best to stop her tears that were flooding from her eyes..., vthout her notice bt it didn't worked...

.....They said that the utmost pain in lyf is when we are staring at our self in the mirror, vth tears filled eyes and begging our self to just hold on and be strong...!!

......That's the biggest pain in lyf...!!

Losing our self in trying to be strong...!!

Lathika gave up on the task of acting strong and remembered the best moments she had shared vth Nivaan...., and started writing a note which she wanted to make Ragunandhan know abt her sudden decision to leave the place... forever...

It took her 10 minutes to write the letter vth her tears wetting the note in between and she kept it near the couch in a place..., that is noticeable..

She then went towards the kitchen and then prepared the same kheer that she had made for Nivaan few days before, and packed it inside her bag..., and her view shifted on the clock over there that showed exactly 7 am.


" Nivaan...!! What are u thinking...??!!
U have nt eaten anything from long hours...!!
Pls have this food son....!!
You very well know that Prataap needs to take his medication in time...!!
N he won't touch food.., until u have something..!!
Talk to me Nivaan..!!
Your silence is killing me...!!"
............Raghu handled a food plate in his one hand and stood infront of Nivaan..., who seemed all lost in his thoughts and just sat on the bed..., bowing his head a little...!!

"Nivaan...!! Prataap must be coming to the room.., in any time vth your medicines...!!
But before that u have to eat something....!!"
.......Raghunandhan extended the plate towards him so as to look into his face atleast and can guess his state of mind..

Nivaan.., all of a sudden stood up from the bed and cleared his blurred vision by blinking his eyes for few seconds...

"Uncle...!! I have to meet someone...!!
Can u pls drive the car...!!??
....I...dnt think i can drive at this moment...!!"

..........raghu was shocked to hear Nivaan's stubborn yet thoughtful tone and just nodded his head in agreement..

The next moment itself.., Nivaan took the plate from Raghu and finshed it vth a urgency and even finished the protein shake leaving Raghunandhan in a confused state...


Raghunandhan drove the car following Nivaan's directions towards the streets over there and he finaly halted the car near a wooden house as Nivaan asked him to stop.., right there...

Vth slow steps..,Nivaan got down from the car and headed inside the rusted metal gate and pressed the calling bell.., near the door...!!

Being curious all this while..,Raghunandhan too went inside and stood few steps away from him to guess whoz house it could be..

Ruthless Obsession                                                  (Completed)√Where stories live. Discover now