Chapter 5. Jacob.

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I walked up the stairs 2 steps at a time to go kiss Mason goodnight but when I got there I couldn't bring myself to get any closer to the scene in front of me. Paul had fallen asleep on my bed with Mason curled up on his chest. 

I can't ruin this? What we have. But what if I don't ruin it, what if I only make it better by moving on and introducing someone else into our lives to love us? 

Jacob is supposed to be whatever I need or want him to be. So maybe we can just be friends for now? But what if that's not enough for him? What if deep down he wants or needs more?

Ugh. I really need to stop over-thinking it. 

I walked over to my dresser grabbing my pajamas then going to my bathroom and getting changed, pulling on my pants with cartoon characters on them and a singlet top. I just need to calm down and talk to Jacob about what will come of this. We can make a plan.

I looked over at Paul and Mason still asleep. I walked out of the room closing the door quietly behind me. Paul could probably use some rest and Mason loves sleeping with Paul. I can't bring myself to separate them. 

I jumped off of the last step of the staircase and landed in the archway to the living room where the guys and Emily were all watching a movie, and the only spare seat was next to Jacob. 

I rolled my eyes and plopped down next to him pulling my legs up to my chest and hugging them. Everyone was surprised at me joining them but I had nothing to worry about, Paul had Mason so I could relax and let go. I'm surprised Sam didn't tell me o go do my homework as soon as I reached the bottom of the stairs. 

We were watching the new Spiderman movie. I love Spiderman, it was such a good movie. I could feel the couch shift every couple of minutes as Jacob moved closer to me; I smiled to myself as his arm brushed mine, it felt like I had been shocked, the hairs on my arms stood up and my stomach fluttered.

Relax Olivia, he just brushed his arm against yours. It's not like he kissed you.

I glanced at Jacob out of the corner of my eye. He was chewing on his bottom lip and staring at me, was he nervous? I turned to face him completely. He had been staring at me for the majority of the movie and when I finally met his gaze it was like something inside me exploded. 

Why was I feeling like this? He had imprinted on me so why was I feeling the effects of it? It's not like I have the gene of the wolves so why is it that he imprinted on me and I have this urge to be so close to him. 

Jacob slowly inched his hand closer and closer to mine until our hands touched. I allowed Jacob to place his hand in mine and interlock our fingers. A part of me was screaming to go back upstairs and the other half wanted to hold his hand. He was so tense at first waiting for my reaction then relaxed a bit when I didn't bite his head off... It felt nice.

I stared down at our hands, moving my thumb across his smooth skin. He was so hot, temperature wise, it was comforting. 

I dragged my eyes back up his arm and gazed back into his eyes, searching for some kind of doubt or any sign that he was regretting the imprint but again I only found love. 

How does this happen so quickly? Just hours ago I was giving some random guy my number and now I'm technically 'off the market'. I found my soulmate. The person I was supposed to be with for the rest of my life.

"Olivia?" I jumped off the couch and away from Jacob. It was like a shock back to reality. What was I thinking sitting with him and holding his hand? 

I faced Paul with a sleeping Mason in his hands. 

"Every time I put him down he cries but I have to go on patrol now" I walked over to him taking Mason in my arms, he immediately started fussing in my arms and whining "I'm sorry" he placed a kiss on my forehead and said bye to everyone before leaving the room. 

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