Chapter 11. Threats.

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"Quick get dressed" Paul burst into my room and rushed into my wardrobe. I put my maths book down and cocked my head to the side.

"And why is that?" Paul threw a jacket and jeans at my face. I wasn't worried about Paul seeing me in just a shirt and underwear. It's nothing he hasn't seen before.

"Well since Jacob has gone to go worship Bella for the night I thought I'd take you out both to make you happy and to also make Jacob jealous. The little shit thinking he can yell at you and then run back to Bella. He's lucky I haven't killed him. Come. I'll wait downstairs. Come on buddy" Paul picked up Mason and took him downstairs. I shrugged my shoulders and stood up from my desk. I don't see the harm in it. Dinner with Paul is sounding pretty good right now.

2 nights ago Jacob and I fought. I stayed up talking to Sam all night going over and over every single word we had exchanged, wondering how it got to that level? And then the next day he decided to go see Bella and he kissed her. He told the pack he kissed her and she punched him, breaking her hand. A part of me wished she could hurt him and that he did feel it, asshole. 

It's like when he is with me he is sweet and nice and all he cares about is me but as soon as Bella is mentioned he turns into an obsessed puppy and suddenly I don't exist. 

That is my problem, but he can't seem to see it. 

I have been ignoring him since our fight. I've kept to myself in my room with Mason whenever they are all over. I don't want to deal with the drama anymore. I'm over it. 

"Hurry up Liv!" I didn't bother fixing myself up. We would only be going to the local diner. I pulled on the jeans Paul threw at me and slipped on the jacket. I guess I was having a dinner with my little dysfunctional family tonight.

I met Paul and Mason at the car. I liked these moments. When nothing else really mattered. When we just had family time and it was peaceful. 

"Mason almost took some steps this morning" 

"What?" Paul shouted "He's only 10 and a half months"

"I read that some babies are walking by 9 months. He's a clever little boy"

"Just like his dad" Paul smiled to himself. I loved seeing him happy. It was a rare thing these days. "When he does walk I want you to call me. As soon as it happens or if you think it's about to happen, push him over and wait for me. I don't want to miss my boy's first steps. I feel like I've already missed too much as it is"

"You haven't missed much Paul. You've been there for a lot, you discovered his first tooth coming in, you experienced his first roll by himself. Don't stress Paul, I will call you as soon as I think he will be taking his first step"

"Promise?" Paul held out his pinky finger towards me. I had to laugh at the gesture. We used to do pinky promises all the time when we were together. People laughed at us because it was so childish but it was like our thing. And we could never break it.

"Promise" I linked pinkies with Paul and shook them. Accidentally out of habit he pulled my hand towards him and kissed it.

"Sorry" I gave him a smile letting him know it was okay. It wasn't a romantic gesture. Just a friendly one. We both accepted that nothing could happen anymore. "So I've been thinking of ways to get back at Jacob for being a dick to you and I think I have come up with a good one. I can't hurt him physically because he doesn't feel too much pain and it'll just heal so I'm thinking while we're phased. Just me and Jacob, I can recall a bunch of memories of us. Especially ones where you're naked and screaming my name" Paul raised his eyebrows and smirked at me. I couldn't help but laugh again. He always knew how to cheer me up. I shook my head at him. There was no way I was going to let him show naked memories of me to anyone in the pack.

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