Chapter 37. Volturi.

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I felt her jaw crack under my fist and it was the most satisfying sound I think I've ever heard in my life. Bella growled in anger and moved for me, and I was ready. I was finally going to get this bitch for everything she has done to my family.

"No!" Jacob pulled me back and stood between Bella and I "What you said was uncalled for Bella" Edward wrapped his arms around Bella to keep her back. 

"She hit me!" 

"She's pregnant Bella, were you really going to fight her? You need to apologize or I am done, I am gone. If it's a choice between you and Olivia, I will pick Olivia every time"


"No Bella, I will not let you treat Liv like shit. This is your last chance" Bella clenched her jaw tight. It looked like it was the hardest decision she'd ever made in her life, she kept looking to Edward for help but he wouldn't step in. "Bella" I'd never heard this tone before, it was a little scary.

"I'm sorry" She struggled to say it, but once she did, she turned away and retreated into the house. I don't understand how a family that is so lovely can put up with someone like her. 

Jacob turned around and wrapped his arms tightly around me and Mason.

"Please no more fighting. I don't think I can handle anymore stress today. Let's just go sit and eat and just relax" I nodded into his chest and walked over to where the food was being served. 

Paul and Emmetts little duel had long finished and they were now swapping fighting techniques and tips. I sat down next to them and Jacob went to get us some food.

"You know you can't get mad at me about the fight now right?" Paul snickered "Nice form by the way, just put a bit more weight into it next time"

"Oh shut up, she had it coming" Mason wriggled out of my arms and walked over to Sam and Emily, trying to steal food off of their plates "You were just being stupid"

"You're stupid" I rolled my eyes, I wasn't going to argue with him, it was pointless. 

Carlisle started to call everyone to gather around, it was so fascinating to watch how all these people respected and looked up to Carlisle. Even the ones that weren't from here. Throughout all his years on this earth he has made many friends and allies and they all look up to him. 

"My friends. My family and I would like to thank you all for everything you have done for us and for travelling from all around he world to be here with us today and saving our Renesmee. I can't tell you how much that means to us. The Volturi would have killed us today without a second thought if it weren't for all of you. So thank you... To family" Everyone raised their drinks high.

"To family" Everyone chorused. A very crazy, dysfunctional family.

"Come here Mase" Mason ran over to me and took the burger I was offering him "Yum?" He nodded with his mouth full and sauce running down his chin. 

"Mama come" I took Mason's hand and let him lead me towards the trees, he was very determined to get wherever he was going.

"Where are we going Mase?" 

"Cute boy, healthy baby. I can hear it's heart beat" I came to a halt, my hand instinctively went to my stomach and I grabbed Mason's hand pulling him close to me, the vampire was just standing there staring at me "Is it a boy or a girl?"

"I don't know yet. It's too early" I studied this girl, she looked unfamiliar. I hadn't seen her around here with the Cullen's before. 

"Be careful, it's very easy to lose a child that young. We wouldn't want that"  

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