Chapter 32. Crash.

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"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. So please don't take, my sunshine away" Paul rocked himself back and forth, soothing Mason. 

"That was so cute Paul" Paul was cradling Mason in his arms on the chair in my room. Mason still wasn't well, he was a very sick little boy. His cough has gotten really bad and he was barely sleeping without waking himself up coughing. I walked over and crouched in front of them brushing Mason's hair out of his face. 

"I'm sorry I haven't been here more, to help with him" 

"Don't apologize Paul, I know you'd be here if you could, and so does he. It's not your fault you're not here" 

"It just sucks that we can't just take his pain away, we can turn into giant wolves and we have super strength and speed, why can't we find a way to make his pain go away" I put my hand over his as a sign of reassurance and squeezed it. 

"I know. It's hard, but he'll be okay, I'm taking him to see Carlisle later and he will fix him" Paul laid his head back and closed his eyes.

"I've got the rest of the day and night off, do you mind if I stay with him?" I nodded my head.

"You don't have to ask. He's both of our son" Paul mm'd in response with his eyes still closed. I think it's better if I just leave them to sleep. They are both exhausted and it's probably best if they get whatever kind of rest they can.

I walked downstairs and threw myself down onto Jacob's lap. He immediately circled his arms around me and started kissing me all over my face. 

"I've missed you" It's been hard with Jacob always being with the Cullen's and me being at home with Mason. Jacob is slowly spending more and more time back here and I've been trying to convince him daily to just stay with us but with everything going on with the Cullen's and the Volturi, Jacob says he needs to be there to help, especially with Seth.

"You wouldn't have to miss me if you would stay with me" I traced my fingers down his jawline. Jacob sighed loudly and rested his forehead on my shoulder.

"You know why I can't always be here. When this is all over, you won't be able to get rid of me and you will regret asking me to be with you all the time" 


"Because you love me too much" I placed my hands on either side of Jake's cheeks and squished them together. 

"Yepp" I pushed Jake's cheeks together so his lips were puckered and kissed them.

"Alright now that we're all together, minus Paul, but I'm sure one of you will fill him in. Christmas is in a few days and I would like everyone and their families to join us on the beach for a true Quileute Christmas" Everyone nodded in agreement "Jarod, Quil and Embry, you'll be in charge of getting the tree and decorating it. Collin, Brady, you'll be getting tables for all the food and big logs for everyone to sit on. Paul and I will be helping Emily with the cooking" Sam leaned over and kissed Emily on her forehead. 

"We're happy to help too Sam, just let us know our jobs and we'll be there" Sam let a smile slip. I think everyone was glad to know Jacob's pack will be there and they are still family. Even though there is constant reassurance that we're all still a family it's still nice to hear it every now and then.

"I'll let you know soon" They shared a look between each other that made my heart melt. My family is becoming more and more like how it used to be every day. 

"Well I have a sick boy to take to the Cullen's house to see Carlisle so I'll see you all later" i kissed Jacob again and made my way back up stairs. It was a lot cheaper to just go to Carlisle and he had a lot of supplies at his house, there's nothing you could find in a hospital that Carlisle wouldn't have in his office.

I entered the room as quietly as possible and started getting his bag together so I didn't wake him up. 

"Is it that time already? I just got him down" Paul was still in the chair and Mason was curled up against his chest.

"You can come with me you know, that way I don't have to disturb him and if he wakes up then you can be with him while I'm driving"

"Liv, you know I can't go to that house"

"No Paul, not you 'can't'  you won't. Don't act like you don't have the choice" I walked over and looked at how comfortable Mason was laying there. He was still wheezy but he was actually asleep. "Just come. Please" I could see his internal struggle, going on in his head.

"Okay, fine, I'll come" Paul stood up slowly and gestured for me to lead the way. Thankfully Mason was still sleeping. We walked down the stairs and headed for the front door.

"Alright we're off" Paul tried to just walk out the door and avoid the questions but he wasn't quite fast enough. 

"We're? You're going?" It was directed at Paul, everyone was shocked that Paul was coming with me. He has always made his thoughts on the Cullen's very known to everyone. 

"For my son"  And that's where he left it. He refused to answer anymore questions that were directed at him. I said bye to everyone and we went to the car. Paul sat in the back with Mason so that if he woke up in his car seat then Paul would be there to comfort him straight away.

The car ride was a bit awkward, Paul kept bouncing his leg around and it would get faster the closer we got. And as soon as we got close enough where the stench hit he started growling and shaking.

"There's so many of them"

"Do you need me to pull over so you can calm down?" Paul closed his eyes and steadied his breathing to try and control his shaking.

"I'm good, let's just get this over with" I looked in the rear view mirror and watched his shaking subside and his breathing steady. 

"Paul I'm very proud of-"

"Look out!" I turned my focus back to the front of the car, just in time to see the figure standing in the middle of the road. It was a vampire, I could see the red eyes "Liv!" I jerked the wheel to avoid it, if this car hit that bloodsucker, the car would crush instantly. I panicked and jerked the wheel again to try and steady the car but only made it worse. I felt the wheels on one side of the car leave the ground and the car started to flip. We were airborne and there was nothing I could do to stop it. 

All I could think of is my son, he was in the back of the car and he was so little and fragile. If I was concentrating on the road and not Paul then maybe this wouldn't have happened. I don't know what if he's okay, I don't know if he'll survive. Surely Paul and I will survive, we're werewolves. We're strong and fast healing. But I don't want to survive if my baby doesn't.

I looked in the mirror again, this time seeing Paul throw himself towards Mason. I hope he saves him.

I was lifted out of my seat and my seat belt snapped. My head hit the roof and my neck crushed, the car flipped again throwing me towards the driver window. 

And then blackness.


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