Chapter 26. Second Pack.

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We were all running at full speed to the timber yard howling back at Jake. All we were getting was flashing images. Images of Bella. She looked sick. Deathly. Then she stood up. That's impossible. She's pregnant? With Edward? Impossible. What is it? She's carrying a thing inside of her? No. It can't be possible. They can't pro-create. 


And Edward, having the nerve to ask Jacob to give Bella children? How dare him! 

I burst from the tree line right alongside Leah. Everyone was yelling in our heads. We gathered in the timber yards, all the wolves were here and they were pissed. They were out for blood. 

"Is it true Jacob?"

"It's unnatural"



"An abomination"

"We can't allow this"

Everyone was circling around Jacob snarling and snapping at him, I stood back just observing. It's not Jake's fault, we can't attack him for their mistakes. No one had even noticed Sam take the higher ground and look down on us.

"We have to protect the tribe" Sam's voice was louder than anyone's. I guess that's an Alpha thing. Everyone stood at attention looking up at him. "What if what they've bred ,won't be able to control it's thirst? Every human will be in danger."

"We're ready" Of course Paul was the first one on Sam's ass. 

"There's no time to waste" Leah? That shocked me. Jacob thrust himself forwards knocking Leah out of the way. I knew Leah hated Bella, but we can't just kill her.


"We must destroy it before it is born" He was using his true Alpha tone. I had only ever heard about it, I've never heard of him actually using it. He hated to use it, I've had a hint of it before but I've never heard the full blown Alpha command before. 

"You mean kill Bella?" He's just a kid, surely they won't involve Seth.

"Her choice affects us all"

"Bella's human. Our protection applies to her"  Jacob is just trying to save his best friend. Leah snarled and snapped at him.

"She's dying anyway" Jacob took Leah down without even a second thought, Leah put up a good fight, not letting him get too much of an upper hand.

Sam used an Alpha growl separating them from each other.

"We have real enemies to fight tonight" Sam descended from the logs snarling at Jacob. We could all feel Jacob resisting the Alpha pull. He was breaking away. The strain was making my stomach turn. 


"You will fight with us Jake" My head lowered itself forcefully and I had to take a few steps back. The alpha command was painful for all of us. Sam stood tall over Jacob forcing him to bow down. It was intense to watch, Jacob was fighting with all his strength and then we all got the feeling of something snapping. Breaking free.

"I will not." Jacob rose slowly towering over Sam. "I am the grandson of Ephraim Black. I am the grandson of the Chief . I wasn't born to follow you or anyone else!"  Sam cowered back a little with his ears flat on his head. He was still snarling back though. Not giving up Alpha. Jacob pushed past Sam and took off. I presume back to the Cullen's house where Bella would be waiting for his return.

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