Chapter 49. Free.

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"A beautiful baby girl"

"Give her to me"

"Did it work?" The doctor walked over to the table, shaking under the hard eye of Caius. 

"Uh, yes, kind of"

"What do you mean? It is strong and healthy?" Caius was growling at her. 

"What did you do to her?" 

"It worked, she's developed enough but she's still a little small. It shouldn't be a problem though" They hurt my baby. If they just left her then there wouldn't be a problem. She would be perfectly safe.

"Please! Can I please hold her?" Caius held my baby girl in his arms. She was so small and delicate. He didn't deserve to touch her. "I will kill you" He looked at at me with a stupid smirk on his face "I promise you I will rip your throat out and enjoy every minute of it" He nodded towards the doctor and she moved quickly taking my baby girl from his arms and taking her to the other side of the room where she started wrapping her. "Please. Give her to me" My voice broke, giving up my tough exterior.

The vampires on either side of me strapped my hands into the restraints on the bed. 

"Liv?!" The muffled voice came through the door "Olivia!" I would know that voice anywhere. 

"Jake!" As soon as I shouted back banging started on the door. He needs to hurry "Jacob please hurry!" He wasn't the only one, I could  hear the others. Hopefully they get through in time or atleast find another way.

"Let's take our leave. Jane, finish her" Caius walked towards the wall with the other vampires and my babies. He pulled a book from the bookcase and it started to open up from the wall. Of course they'd have hidden tunnels in this stupid castle. 

"Pain" I prepared myself for the pain to start taking over my body but it never came. Bella? Bella also means Edward. Edward! They have her, there's a secret entrance, it has to come out somewhere, please save my babies and I'll be nice to Bella for the rest of my life!

"It's too late. We need to leave" Jane gasped and started back tracking towards the bookcase door. I watched them start to take my babies away into the tunnels. I can't lose them.


I dug deep down inside myself bringing out the wolf. Whatever they injected me with was fighting my wolf. I have to find the strength to do it. For her. Come on, think of everything they've done, think of what they're going to do to my babies.

I felt the restraints snap and my four paws hit the floor with a loud thump. I'm coming babies. I took off towards the bookcase without a second thought. I ducked my head down and blasted through all the books and wood.

"Liv what's happening?"

"They took her Jake, I need to get her back. She was beautiful"

"We can't get through the door Liv. Edward went to find another way with some of the others"

"They went through a secret passage, it has to come out somewhere"

"You focus on catching up to them Liv, we'll find you. I love you"

"I love yo-"

I found them. Perhaps a mother wolf really is the most dangerous thing in the world. I jumped on the doctor not even hesitating to bite her head off. I spotted the other doctors that had always been in the rooms with me when they poked and prodded me and took my babies. I didn't even need to think before attacking them. 

I promised them all that I would kill them, and I fully intend on keeping all those promises. 

I spat out the piece of flesh from my mouth and advanced on Jane, enjoying the fear in her eyes. 

"Pain" still not happening bitch. I jumped on Jane yanking off one of her arms in one swift movement. Her scream was music to my ears at this point. It was like I wasn't even in control anymore, the wolf had taken over and she wanted her pups back. 

I pulled off the other arm and stared down at her with my snarling teeth at her neck.

"Caius!" Listening her call for help was funny. She thought she was so tough when I was strapped down, she doesn't know how to fight, she can't win. 

"Jane!" I looked up seeing Alec heading straight for me. There was no way I would make it in time to defend myself, I couldn't take them both on, I knew I couldn't but I would sure as hell go down fighting. 

I heard a growl and saw a blur of pale skin, a vampire, but which one? The vampire tore Alec's head from his body and turned to face me and I couldn't believe it. The person who saved my life was Bella freaking Swan, close behind her was a grey wolf with black spots, Embry, he walked over and rubbed his head against mine.

"I got your back Liv" He bent over and ripped Janes head from her body "I always hated her the most... Where are the others?" 

I looked ahead at the split in the tunnels. One dark tunnel going left and one dark tunnel going right. 

"Whichever one you guys came out of, we go down the other one" Quil, Jared, Alice and Jasper showed up out of the right tunnel. I nodded at them in appreciation and started to run down the left tunnel. That's where they took them. That's where my babies will be. 

"Wheres Jake?" 

"He took the other tunnel with Edward, Carlisle, Emmett and Rose. Everyone else is either hunting the other Volturi bloodsuckers or saving the other wolves. From what I saw they were all pretty badly beaten. Two of them were dead when we got there, they were bitten"

Who could have been dead? I would have felt it if it were Leah or Paul. So it was one of the others, I hadn't known them for long but I felt like I could still call them a friend. 

I shook my head, focusing back on the task at hand, I can't focus on who the dead ones are right now. I need to find my babies, my daughter doesn't even have a name yet, she's been in the world for barely a few minutes and she's already seeing the ugliest part of it. 

I could smell a vampire straight ahead and immediately I went into attack mode. Hopefully it would be Caius so I can rip his throat from his body like I promised, or Karen, I wouldn't mind killing her as well. 

But there was something else familiar up ahead. Jacob's scent overwhelmed my body, but his scent wasn't his wolf form. It was his human scent. Why was he in his human form? Is he okay? Is he dead? 

I skidded around the corner and pounced on the first pale figure I laid my eyes on. 

"Olivia stop!" Bella's panicked voice pierced through the air and I looked down at the person underneath me. Edward? Had we gone in circles. I need to go back. I need to find my babies.

"Liv" The voice was faint and pained. I spotted a beautiful tanned figure leaning against the wall holding something small and wrapped in a blanket in his arms. He did it. I pushed off of Edward and phased back into human form mid air. I fell into Jacob's arms securing one arm around his neck and the other on his arm holding our baby. "She's okay"

"They're both okay" Emmett brought an unconscious Mason over to us "He'll be okay"

"We did it" I sobbed loudly, clinging to Jacob "They're okay"



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