Chapter 27. Baby?

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This is what I live for. 

These quiet moments where not much else matters. Being able to watch Jacob play with some toys on the floor with Mason and watching them laugh together. 

Jacob rolled a ball to Mason and he squealed out, picking it up and then holding it out to Emmett with a big grin on his face. 

Mason didn't understand why he or the rest of the Cullen's wouldn't go near him. Most of the Cullen's had been keeping their distance, they were worried they'd slip around Mason and hurt him. I knew they wouldn't, I trusted them. Jacob on the other hand did not. He was the main one putting it in their heads that they might hurt Mason.

Everyone was trying to distract themselves with the football on the tv but it wasn't working. None of them were interested in the game, I don't think anyone even knew the teams who were playing. 

The chattering of teeth brought me out of my daze. Bella was on the couch looking like death, she always looks like death lately. 

"You cold?" Edward leaned towards her but didn't touch her. He knew he couldn't help the situation. Bella nodded trying to pull her jumper tighter. Edward would just make it worse with his cold skin. 

I thought the temperature in here was actually quite warm. The heater was on pretty high but it didn't seem to affect Bella at all. 

"I got it" Jacob jumped up and gave me a kiss on the cheek before sitting next to Bella. I think that was his unsuccessful way of trying to reassure me he doesn't have feelings for Bella but he's still going to cozy up to her on the couch. Whatever. 

Edward chuckled at my jealousy. Right he can read minds.

"I feel the same" Edward reassured me. Well it's good to know I'm not alone in the way I feel. We could start a club Eddy. Edward shook his head at me fighting back a smirk.

"Don't do that" Jacob mumbled. I thought he was talking to Edward and I but he wasn't. He was talking to Bella. They looked pretty cozy, all snuggled up together on the couch. 


"Smile at me like I'm your favorite person in the world"

"You're one of them. It feels complete when you're here Jake" Wow. Just, wow. And she said it right in front of me. I'll give it to her. She has balls. I growled and rolled my eyes. Jacob caught this and winked at me with a half smile on his face. It was a small sign of reassurance but I'll take it.

"We need to figure out a way to get some food into her" Esme looked very run down. She had been trying to take care of everyone else before herself. Making sure us wolves are fed and comfortable and making sure Mason feels at home. She deserves a break. They all do.

"If only I could see the fetus-" 

"Baby" Rose corrected.

"Maybe I could figure out what it wants" Poor Alice was so frustrated she couldn't see it. It's probably craving blood. It's like them isn't it? And they hate normal food.

"I think you might be right. Jacob just had an idea" Jacob chuckled to himself, looking a little ashamed.

"It wasn't an idea... More like a snide comment"

"What were you thinking" Carlisle was looking for any solution, he was even willing to ask Jacob for help.

"That it's probably just looking for somebody to sink it's teeth into" I held in my chuckle. Great minds think alike. I looked over to Jacob and smiled at him shaking my head. I don't think everyone appreciated the joke as much as I did.

"He's thirsty" I'm sorry, was she actually keen to try the idea? 

"I know the feeling" Emmett chimed in.

"If it's craving it's not going to want animal blood" Oh god please stop.

"I have some O Negative laid aside for Bella" Everyone in the room looked at Carlisle longingly, they were so hungry. Alice had to take Jasper out of the room and Emmett followed.

"Wait? You're going to make her drink that?" Finally Jacob is seeing some sense. 

"It's the easiest way to test your theory" Carlisle proceeded to pour the blood into a glass.

  "I'll try anything" Bella gripped onto Jacob's arm. He scowled and looked pale. 

"You can't be serious" I laughed. I couldn't help myself. "You're seriously going to drink blood?" She really was obsessed with vampires wasn't she? "I can't watch this. I'll vomit. And I definitely don't want Mason to see that" I picked up Mason off of the floor and made a quick exit. I think I might vomit just at the thought of it. 

I walked up to my room that I was assigned and put Mason in the crib I was given. He was barely staying awake, he had a big lunch and was over due for a nap.

"Hey!" Jacob grabbed me around the waist and spun around "How are you holding up?" He placed me down in front of him slowly backing me against the wall. 

"I'm good" I flipped us around so he was backed up against the wall. I stretched up and locked my arms around his neck bringing our faces only centimeters apart.

"Have I told you lately how beautiful you are? And how you always brighten up the room when you walk into it"

"Hey Jake?" he mm'd and brought his face closer so our noses were touching. "I think I may be in love"

"What's his name?"

"You wouldn't know him, real handsome" His chest rumbled in laughter.

"Too bad he's not here" He closed the distance between us and picked me up so my legs locked around his waist. I ran my fingers through his thick hair and tightened my grip around his waist. Jacob flipped us again and pushed me against the wall. I reached down for the hem of his shirt and pulled it up over his head throwing it somewhere in the room.

Jacob pulled back with my lip between his teeth, teasing me, he released my lip and gave me the cheesiest grin he could muster. Every time I tried to press my lips back to his he would pull his head back and quickly place a kiss in some random place on my face. 

"You are the most beautiful person I've ever seen" I traced the worry lines on his forehead with my fingers "I love you Olivia Uley" 

"I love you too" 

"Mama" Jacob jumped away from me and I quickly rearranged my clothing. There's no need to scar him at such a young age. We got too carried away. I ran over and picked Mason up.

"Hey baby boy, I'm so sorry?"  

"I'm sorry" Jacob wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, his breath sent shivers up my spine. "I got a bit carried away" I leaned back into him taking a deep breath.

"Don't be"

Alice sped through the door handing me a warm bottle.

"Jasper had a feeling" I thanked her and put Mason back down with his bottle. Jasper would definitely come in handy with Masons tantrums. 

"Well that's handy"

"I was just thinking the same thing" I turned around in his arms and pressed my face against his chest, which was still bare, and very distracting "I better go relieve Seth. Patrol time" I grabbed Jacob and gave him a quick but forceful kiss "Try not to miss me too much" Right before I left the room I saw Jake throw himself down on the bed. 

I ran outside, right past Bella and her blood smoothie, and gave Seth 'the nod' apparently this is how we signal each other. As soon as I phased Seth phased back and went to go see Jacob. He was like a big brother to Seth, it was a bit cute to watch. 

"How are you holding up?"

"Good, I just hope Sam isn't stupid enough to actually attack the Cullen's, I don't want to fight my own brother"

"I hope it doesn't come down to that"

"Me too Leah"


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